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Yes they can because they are the same specias so i have one and it works its eather they are zebra finch, guldian finch and a scoity finch thats the finch they make together,

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Q: Can gouldian finches be mixed with zebra finches?
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Related questions

How many Gouldian finch are left in Australia?

it is estimated only 2500 adult Gouldian Finches are left in the wild.

Can lady gouldian finches cross breed with other finches?

yes, but only with the green face parrot finch

Where do zebra finches come from?

Zebra finches are from Australia

What eats zebra finches?

zebra finches only eat seed

How much do finches cost?

finches cost about 15$ I think it depends on what type of finch you are interested in. Society and zebra finches are releltively inexpensive, other breeds can be quite costly (ie Gouldian finches can be $200/pair)

My aunt has a zebra finch in her backyard. We live in Canada. I read that zebra finches live in Australia. Do zebra finches ONLY live in the wild in Australia?

No, zebra finches can also be found in pet stores outside of Australia.

Why do you have to buy zebra finches in pairs?

you dont have to buy them in pairs, but most people get a pair of zebra finches so they can keep company, or to breed them cause breeding zebra finches is really easy .

Can you teach your zebra finch to talk?

Zebra Finches can't talk, but one of my Pied Zebra Finches make a call that imitates the sound of an alarm. My Zebra Finches do answer me, though. When I walk in the door and say "Hi" to them, they chirp back. Zebra Finches can make beautiful calls, so without tricks, these cute little birds put on a show...with their singing! Thanks, Grace's Finch Care

Do zebra finches bite?

Most domesticated zebra finches are timid and fly away from humans who approach them. They CAN bite, though. It has known to be quite painful according to the sharp beak. I have zebra finches and none of them have bitten me before.

What are 13 different kinds of finches?

house finch, gold finch, purple finch, zebra finch, parrot finch, society finch, bengalese finch, lady gouldian finch, spice finch, red bow firetail finch, canary finch, Australian finch

Can cordon blue finches be in the same cage with zebra finches?

O Zebra finches are social birds and should never be kept alone unless they are being quarantined for an illness or a new aquire...

Does a regular zebra finch get along with Florida fancy zebra finches if you put them together?