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Q: Can grandparents be rquired to pay child support in the state of MD if the absent parent is in jail?
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What does the custodial parent need from non custodial parent to take child out of the country for vacation?

The courts cannot force an absent parent to visit the child[ren].

Is the non custodial parent or grand parents legal if the custodial parent is not present?

Parental rights are paramount to "grandparents rights". In most jurisdictions there are no such rights.

Do the Gosselin sextuplets have grandparents?

Yes, the Gosselin sextuplets have grandparents. Kate's parents, and Jon's parents and their spouses. Jon's parent's divorced, so he has a step-mom and dad as well.

Can i claim money from my biological father when he has never been around or paid child support?

I believe your "active" parent would need to initiate and start the process. The money you seek from the absent parent, by law, would be for child support for the active parent to help with expenses that occur with raising a child. I recommend contacting your local Child Support Agency to ascertain what steps your active parent needs to take to see if they (you) can start the process. You can do a search by typing "child support" and add in your city, state. Good Luck! But, be careful in this regard. A growing number of relationships with mothers are being destroyed when the children are learning their mothers did get child support and was denying the father access to his children. There are non government programs to help enforce court order visitation like there is for child support.

Does a parient still have to pay child support on a child if the child goes on disability in Missouri?

Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.

Related questions

Can you collect child support if the absent parent collects ssi?

No, you can not collect child support if the absent parent collects ssi. No matter what state you are in, anywhere in the united states. It's against the law!

Do you have to pay child support if you know the child?

If you are an absent parent of the child, yes.

Does an absent parent have to financially support his child at university?

The terms of a custody agreement can vary. To determine if the absent parent is required to help pay for university, you must refer to your custody agreement.

Does shared physical custody with grandparents affect child support paid to custodial parent?


Can a parent and grandparent make a agreement for no child support payments if the grandparents take custody?

Yes but if the grandparents need help from the government the order will be back on.

Can an adult child sign off on a lien his parent has on property to reliquish his absent parent of child support obligation?

Only if the obligee parent is deceased and with the approval of the court.

How do you stop child support sense were back together?

You, (the Absent Parent), and the Custodial Parent both go to your local Child Support Office and file a motion to be heard in front of a judge (in most cases, it's heard on a separate date from the date you file the motion) to cease child support. On the date of the court date, you both appear before a judge and he/she will ask the Custodial Parent if this is his/her wishes. The Custodial Parent will then answer according to how they see fit. The Custodial Parent can also at that time request that all monies owed to him/her from back support that the Absent Parent has not yet satisfied be forgotten. This will clear the slate for the Absent Parent as far as arrears is concerned. Note, this will not clear any monies owed to the State that the Custodial Parent may have received i.e. TANF. You, the Absent Parent, will still be held responsible for paying this back and your child support will continue-only for repayment of State funds received on behalf of the child-until paid in full.

If absent parent is disabled does absent parent still have to pay child support in North Carolina?

If on SSI, no. If on SSD, there's a separate SSD Child Benefit check that's not deducted from the parent's child, but a modification needs to be requested to set the support to the amount of this check. This will not address any arrears. see links below

Can child support if filed if the absent parent was found after the age of 18?

If the child is severely disabled, perhaps.

Di single parents required to pay child support?

Most single parents do not pay child support. The absent parent pays the child support.

Can a A minor with approval of parent go to live with a grandparent?

yes, as long as the parents agree to allow their child to live with their grandparents its fine as long as the grandparents can support the child.

Would the grandparents have to pay child support for the non custodial parent whom they support so he can get military benefits?

The NCP's parents are not responsible for their son's child support.