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Q: Can green tea cause bladder infection?
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Can green tea cause a yeast infection?

yes it can for some infections, not all....."especially green tea".

Are there safe herbal alternatives for bladder control medications?

They have herbs such as cranberries and drinking mugwort tea and green tea. Drinking green tea can help infections in the bladder.

Which foods are beneficial for a healthy bladder?

Try cranberry juice or green tea, both excellent for the bladder.

Does black tea cause bladder stones?

There is no evidence that black tea causes bladder stones. If you believe you are suffering from the stones, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

What are the disadvantages of drinking green tea?

Green tea is generally safe for everyone, but some disadvantages are that it can cause constipation and an upset stomach in some people. In very rare cases, green tea can cause liver issues.

Does green tea cause weight loss and how much of it does?

No, it does not.

Does green tea cause green bowels?

No. In fact, its very healthy, and soothing.

What are the benefits of green tea supplements for bodybuilders?

Green tea is an antioxidant as well as a great source of energy and motivation. It also is a great source of preventing infection and bruising after working out.

Can green tea extract effect blood tests?

can tea with no suger affect my suger levells

Can lemon tea cause impotency?

No. Green tea and Vitamin C helps fight radicals in the body. Drinking green tea and lemon juice that is rich in antioxidants can help men suffering from impotency.

What are some best green to start the day?

Jasmine green tea rose green tea Lemon green tea Matcha green tea Tulasi green tea

Is it true green tea is good for you?

Green tea has been shown to contain anti-oxidants, which are believed to be very good in eliminating many of the things that cause cancer.