

Can greenhouse gas kill animals

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Sulfur dioxide is a greenhouse gas, I would not recommend inhaling it. Many greenhouse gases will kill animals, but they are rarely found in concentrations large enough to be problematic.

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Q: Can greenhouse gas kill animals
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When humans burp or fart do they give greenhouse gas too?

Carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) is given off by all animals when they exhale. Methane (another potent greenhouse gas) is emitted by ruminant animals as they digest cellulose with the aid of their intestinal bacteria. Humans are not ruminants and emit almost no intestinal methane. Burps are generally swallowed air which contains little or no greenhouse gas of any variety. The exception to this is when burping results from drinking a lot of carbonated beverages quickly. This gas would contain carbon dioxide.

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Yes, gas is a noun. Greenhouse here is an adjective describing 'gas'. Together they make a noun phrase, 'Greenhouse gas'.

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Yes, ozone is a greenhouse gas. Any gas with three or more atoms in their molecule are greenhouse gases.

What is a greenhouse gas from animals?

Water vapour from expelled breath.Carbon dioxide from expelled breath.Methane belched out by cows and other ruminants.

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CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) destroy ozone.

Why is methane so dangerous in a mine?

It is dangerous because it can replace the oxygen in your lungs and it is odorless resulting in asphyxia. methane is a harmful gas that if inhaled, it can kill you. :-[

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Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas. It deceases the greenhouse gases.