

Can guinea pigs have the same size of a cage of a hamster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, that would be cruel. A CAGE at least the width and length of a 20 gallon fishtank in comparison. At LEAST. Would be better suited to a guinea pig.

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Q: Can guinea pigs have the same size of a cage of a hamster?
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Do guinea pigs have the same cage as a hamster?

No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

Can a Guinea pig and a Hamster be in the same cage?


Why can't hamsters and guinea pigs live in the same cage?

because guinea pigs are aggressive

Can you use a rat cage for a hamster?

Yes, you can use a fish tank as hamster cage and it works really well ~ better than some of the wire cages because there is no chance of the hamster's feet getting caught in the wire. The tanks are easy to clean and provide a lot of room for a wheel and toys for your hamsters. Just make sure to get the wire lids that are made for the tank and tank clips if your wheel or toys are very tall.

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

Where can you keep your hamster when you are not here?

in its cage i say. i have a hamster and i have to go to school, i feed him in the morning and i leave him in his cage, when i come back i put him into his exercise ball , and then i feed him again.

How are hamster and a guinea pig are same?

Well, hamsters and guinea pigs are a whole different species. FIN

Will Guinea pigs fight if housed in same cage?

Every guinea pig has their own personality, it is impossible to tell which guinea pigs they'll get along with and not get along with.

Can you have moe than one guinea pig in a cage?

Yes! Most guinea pigs love to be together and will be happier and livelier. Just make sure that the cage is big enough, and that the guinea pigs are the same sex.

Do guinea pigs get along in the same cage?

yes,they do. they love to be with other guinea pigs. they love to play or lay down with each other.

Can dwarf hamsters live in the same cage as guinea pigs?

No, they tend to fight.

Can you cage same sex guinea pigs together?

yes you can they'll love it.