

Can guitar fish can be eaten?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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no cause they have strings DUUUUUUH

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Q: Can guitar fish can be eaten?
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Which kinds of fish can not be eaten?

Lion fish can not be eaten.

What are fish eaten by?

eaten by fish is that a habitat and niche

Is guitar fish is a kind of fish?

No because there nothing such as a guitar fish learn your fishes

Can a fish get eaten by another fish then get eaten by a shark?

Yes. It happens regularly.

What do guitar fish eat?

This depends on what type you are talking about, the Atlantic guitar fish eats a variety of small fish

Can you call guitar fish a fish?

Yes its a fish

Does algae get eaten?

Yes, algae will be eaten by zooplankton, which will then be eaten by forage fish, anf finally eaten by fish (which will get consumed by sharks and so on)

Can fish eggs survive with big fish?

no some get eaten while they are in there shell

How much fish is eaten in one year worldwide?

I would say more than 75 % of all the fish eaten are eaten by other fish and wild animals.

What is the difference between a fish and a guitar?

The difference between a fish and guitar is quite obvious in reality. A fish is a living thing under the sea, where as a guitar is a instrument so it is not alive.

What are puffer fish eaten by?

Bigger fish.

What does fish get eaten by?

Man or bigger fish.