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Why should they not? Of course they can but why on earth you would want obviously artificial 'Glow Rocks' in a naturally beautifull aquarium beats me.

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Q: Can guppies be in a tank with glow rocks and plants?
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Would bettas live with guppies?

Yes, with lots of plants in the tank

Must guppies be in a all - guppy tank for it to mate or is it able to mate in a community tank?

Guppies can mate in a community tank of tropical fish around their size. Be sure to add lots of live plants!

Can six guppies and five apple snails live together in a five-gallon tank?

You do not say if the guppies are common guppies or fancy, also how many male and female guppies you have, yes as far as the snails and guppies go, one point to remember is the tank water should be above 72 degrees and some live floating plants for the guppies too hide in.

What are the equipment for guppies to breed?

Breeding is easy but yet hard. All you need to do is get a boy and a girl guppy of course. If our going to have several guppies,then you don't get the same amount of boys and girls. You will also need a breeding net (choice) and a separate tank or lots of plants in the adult tank. The plants will allow the guppies to hide from the parents that will try to eat them.

Can you have 2 male guppies in one tank with 3 female guppies?

What are guppies

Can you put guppies and fancy guppies in the same tank?


Do baby guppie lay at the bottom of the tank?

If baby guppies are lying at the bottom of the tank they are dead. They tend to stay as hidden as possible in plants as the adults will eat them.

Can guppies share a tank with goldfish?


What can you do for a pregnant guppy?

You may awnt to put her in a separate tank or a breeder box. Make sure the tank is a good temperature and clean. Of course, give her food. Take out of wherever she is and put her with the other guppies as soon as the babies are born. The other guppies will eat the babies as will the mom.

How many guppies could you fit in a 17 liter tank?

About 5 or 6 guppies.

What environment do baby snapping turtles live in?

I think that they live in water or close to water with their family.Baby snapping turtles mostly live in ponds but if you are taking one from the wild then you should first but it in a tank. Tanks like a clean swamp, you shouldn't put rocks or plants in the tank because when they are young they will eat just about anything they can find. Then as it gets older you can add rocks and plants. You mostly feed them earthworms, worms, cut up leaches, and small fish (guppies).

In a fish tank there are fish water plants and gravel witch of these are made of cells?

The water plants have cells. Plants live. Rocks are not alive.