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Yes, goldfish are known to get cancers on there stomachs and warts on there eyes. That's only when you have unclean or the wrong temperature of water. Guppies tend to live through these conditions better. However, if you have a tank with gravel, plants, filters, and fresh food/water, the guppy will live for a long time!

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Q: Can guppies be taken care of easily or do they die like goldfish?
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Will goldfish eat aquatic plants?

If the goldfish is big enough and the guppies small enough, yes the guppies could well be eaten by the goldfish. Also, guppies should never be with guppies are guppies are tropical fish and goldfish are coldwater fish.

How long to Japanese goldfish live?

For all goldfish, if properly taken care of, the average lifespan is about 20 years or more.

What amount of parental care do guppies give?

Guppies do not give any care to their young. In some cases, they might even eat their yoyng.

How do goldfish get used to their habitat?

the first couple days they are a little 'on guard" after a couple weeks of being Fed and taken care of they will get used to it.!

How does a goldfish take care of its young ones?

in a goldfish the world

Can you put a goldfish in a one and a half gallon bowl?

If it is a small goldfish, it will physically fit in something that small. But, it will not live very long in it. If you wish to keep goldfish alive, you need at least ten gallons of water for each goldfish along with a good filter and a heater to keep the water temperature stable. With proper care goldfish can easily live 15+ years.

How old can calico fantails live up to?

Color does not play a role in how long a goldfish will live for; gentics and how well it is taken care of do. Fantail goldfish can live to be anywhere between the age of 10-25 years old.

Do guppies take care of their young?

No they don't they eat them when they are small

How many year did goldfish live?

The lifespan of a goldfish is determined by the care and maintenance of the goldfish and goldfish's home , whether or not it is getting essential nutrients and is fed a proper diet, and if the genetics of the goldfish are good. Also a factor that can determine the lifespan of a goldfish is whether the goldfish's owner did much needed research about the goldfish before purchasing one - or if they choose to remain ignorant about goldfish and their needs. If a goldfish is taken good care of through-out its life- and is not constantly, if not ever, subjected to stressful situations- other than the time it is acquired and introduced to its home (remember to always quarantine for at least 30 days before doing this) you can expect the fish to live up to +20 years- maybe even longer.

Where do you get Groudon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explores of Sky?

u can get him at fogbound lake he is easily taken care of

What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.

My pet goldfish is homosexual can I get a refund for him?

No. There is nothing wrong with a homosexual goldfish. Take good care of him.