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Not for long. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept at around 75F. Then follow the basic rules. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water changed every week. Keep the above rules and your fish stand a chance. Fail in any of them and I can guarantee that you will have constant health problems with your fish.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Guppies will not live for any decent length of time without a filter. There needs to be some method for removing the impurities and old, decaying food, and simply changing the water regularly would be too stressful for the fish.

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6y ago

None, including the betta, but especially not tetras Any fish can live for a short time in a small amount of water, but a person can live in an 8'x8' cell. It's about the same thing, except the fish didn't do anything to deserve such punishment and they will get sick and die much more quickly.

Bettas, like most other fish, like to swim around. A single betta needs a 5-10 gallon tank with a heater and filter for optimum health. Plants and caves make it more interesting for him and a couple of rasboras might work, depending on his aggressive tendencies. They can't be kept with other bettas, but do appreciate tank mates if they have room. The red ones tend to be more aggressive. If he is aggressive, he will not do well with other fish unless he's in at least a 30 gallon tank. People tend to think they don't live long, but if they have enough room, clean water, and consistent temperature, they will be much less stressed and can live for a lot longer than expected.

They can live in 2 gallons, but you can live in a bathroom if someone feeds you. It would probably shorten your life and certainly make it less healthy.

They will last for a few months at the most. That is nothing compared to 5 years (how long bettas usually live for). A 5 gal tank with some ghost shrimp, a heater, filter and real plants would give a betta the best life ever
Beta fish can live without a filter because they breathe air not from the water.

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14y ago

Yes. Bowl fish keeping tradition is thousands of years old while aquarium filters were invented near the turn of the century. The trick is keeping ahead of the nitrogen cycle with frequent water changes and supplementing the water with missing nutrients like dilute salt while removing the harmful chlorine from drinking water with a dechlorinator. While a filter will never replace regular water changes, it does contribute tremendous convenience by decreasing the frequency of this task.

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Q: Can guppies live in a fish bowl with no filter?
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Can your female and male guppies live in a one gallon fish bowl?

NO! you will need at least 5 gallon for those

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Can guppies live with anyother fish?

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not a chance. you could buy guppies as feeder fish for them though.

Do guppys need a heater?

yes guppies are hot watered fish so they need a heater and a filter also to be feed unlike an alge eater

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No, All adult fish will eat baby guppies.

What fish can live with guppies?

Bristlenose catfish (normal or albino), mollies, swordtails, black widows, some tetra species and sometimes bumblebee gobbies. There are many fish compatible with guppies.

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guppies, mollies, scord fish. that's about it

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Guppies, mosquitofish, sharks, mollies, and platies.

Can guppies live in the same aquarium as a goldfish?

No. Guppies need a heater, whereas gold fish will overheat. Also, they will eat the guppies.

What kind of fish can live together?

A beta fish lives happily in a bowl. Never, ever put a goldfish in a goldfish bowl (ironic, I know) because it's too small for them to live in.