

Can guppies live long in a 2.5 gal tank with a heater?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes, they will live 2-3 years in tank like that.

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Q: Can guppies live long in a 2.5 gal tank with a heater?
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How long do guppies live in a 10 gallen tank?

It depends on how many guppies, and how well you keep up the tank. In a ten gallon tank, I'd say no more than ten guppies, and do frequent water changes. 10-15% weekly. They need a filter and a heater, as well.

Can you have six guppies in a three gallon tank if you do frequent water changs it has a filter and a heater?

Its not recommended to do that, but guppies are very hardy fish. So if you were to make sure not to over feed, and to clean the tank frequently, then yes you could keep 6 guppies in a 3 gallon tank.

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You do not say if the guppies are common guppies or fancy, also how many male and female guppies you have, yes as far as the snails and guppies go, one point to remember is the tank water should be above 72 degrees and some live floating plants for the guppies too hide in.

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Yes, with lots of plants in the tank

Must guppies be in a all - guppy tank for it to mate or is it able to mate in a community tank?

Guppies can mate in a community tank of tropical fish around their size. Be sure to add lots of live plants!

Can fancy guppies and black fin shark live in same the tank?

No,but guppies(livebearer types) can live with small sharks like dwarf shark e.g.

Do guppies need a heater in a 5 gallon fish tank?

If the temperature is around 20 degrees (Celcius) probably not. But for a five GALLON fish tank, probably.

What size tank do you need for guppies?

The answer depends on the number of guppies. A few guppies can live in a 2.5 gallon tank or larger, temperature between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people raise fancy guppies in 5.5 and 10 gallon tanks.

Can guppies and minnows live together?

Yes, i have them in the same tank and they're fine

Can a molly live in a 3 gallon tank with 4 guppies?

I would suggest upgrading to a 10 gallon tank.

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Goldfishes and guppies should be kept in a different tank....

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