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What are guppies

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Q: Can you have 2 male guppies in one tank with 3 female guppies?
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Can you have 2 male guppies in the same tank as 3 female guppies should i buy 3 more females guppies?

Yes that is enough. You usually want to keep a two to three female to one male ratio. The male will constantly try to breed with the females. If there was only one the female you get stressed out and die. So make sure to keep two to three females

Can six guppies and five apple snails live together in a five-gallon tank?

You do not say if the guppies are common guppies or fancy, also how many male and female guppies you have, yes as far as the snails and guppies go, one point to remember is the tank water should be above 72 degrees and some live floating plants for the guppies too hide in.

Why aren't my guppies breeding I have 2 females and one male in a 3 gallon tank I bought them so i could feed to fry to my pet turtle I've had them for a month and still no sign of pregnancy?

Guppies breed easier if there are more male than females. My female guppy breed easily when i had 4 male and 1 female, but 3 male and 2 female would probably work as well.

What are the best tank mates for guppies?

In my family's tank, we have 2 Dwarf Gourami and 2 Fire Dwarf Gourami. They live fine and no fights have happened. Make sure not to have one more male then female or the males will fight. As long as there are even numbers of male and female, any fish would work really, besides really aggressive fish.

What should you do if your fancy guppie is biting at your other guppies tail?

sounds like you have a male guppy harrassing a female. Simply go and buy a few more female guppies and that way the male will have more than one female to harass.

What is a platy of male or female guppies?

A platy is a type of tropical fish. It is not a quantity or measure so one can not have a "platy of" anything including guppies.

Can a female guppy mate with more than one male?

Yes they can and do. One lot of youngsters can have several different fathers.

Should you only keep one pregnant guppy in a birthing tank or can you have more because I have three pregnant guppies so should I put two of them in the community tank and one in the birthing tank?

I had a problem like this, a couple of fish pregnant at the same time. I would either keep them all the female guppies in the birthing tank or keep them in the community tank and when one of the female guppies give birth put the baby in the birthing tank. I did the second option and it was quite good, just don't overcrowd the birthing tank. :)

I got 5 guppies 3 male and 2 female one of my female guppies stay away from my other guppies is it because she's smaller?

first of all, do you have a heater in the tank? if so, is she staying near it? because if you do have a heater and she is staying near it she is probably going to have babies. if not then she maight not be old enouh to breed and is avoiding the males. are the males chasing the females around the tank a lot? she might be hiding from the males because they are aggresive. if none of these is the case then i don't know.

Can your female and male guppies live in a one gallon fish bowl?

NO! you will need at least 5 gallon for those

Are you supposed to have 2 guppies for 1 male or 3?

You can have two or three. Three recommended. You always need more than one female with a male.

Should there only be one female pregnant guppy in a birthing tank at once or can there be more She is already pregnant?

female guppies can produce 2-3 genaration in a year