

Can guppies live with neon tetras and danio fish?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can guppies live with neon tetras and danio fish?
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What kind of fish can live with guppies?

You can keep most tetras, some barbs(not the Tiger Barb it will shred your poor fish's fins). You can also keep a Beta fish with them but, be carful when you put one in with your Guppies because he might attack your Guppies. Hope this helps!

What can you put in a tank with guppies?

Guppies are great community fish and can live quite happily with most Tetras, Rasboras, Barbs, Anabantids, Dwarf Cichlids, Danios, Corydoras and many other species provided they don't get too big and eat the guppies.

Are long fined lepored danio fish live breeders?

No, all danio lay eggs.

Does a danio fish live in the oceans?

No. Danios are Tropical Freshwater fish.

Can harlequin rasboras and black skirt tetras and platys and guppies live together?

Platys and black skirt tetras can live together. Harlequin rasboras, platys, and guppies are smaller than black skirt tetras and would do well together. However, the black skirts nip at fins, so if you have fancy tail guppies it is not recomended to put them in a smaller tank together.

What is a good combination of fish to live in a 3 foot tank?

you could have guppies angel fish neon tetras platties blue rams tiger barbs and and and mollies otto cats cherry barb

Can guppies live with tiger fish?

The tiger fish would eat the guppies.

Can guppies live with anyother fish?

Guppies can live very happily with heaps of other species of tropical fish

What species of fish can live with the zebrafish?

The Zebra Danio is a good small community fish and can live with just about any fish that is not going to eat it. It will go very well with Livebearers, Tetras, other Danios, Anabantids, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids, most Botias, all Corydoras etc etc. the list is almost endless.

Where do tetras fish live?

south america

Can guppies live with Oscar fish?

not a chance. you could buy guppies as feeder fish for them though.

What non-aggressive fish can live in a 40 gal with swordtails and ghost shrimp?

Hardy tropicals such as mollies, platys, swords, guppies, tetras, barbs, danios and rainbows should work fine.