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Not now. The CFCs that were used as aerosols in the 1980s are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer. These have been phased out and scientists hope the ozone layer will have recovered by about 2060.

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Q: Can hairspray deplete the ozone layer?
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Does arosel hairspray ruin the ozone layer?

Yes, they do ruin. They react with ozone and deplete it.

How bad does hairspary damage the ozone layer?

Hairspray contain CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete them.

What could deplete the ozone layer?

CFC's could deplete ozone layer. they react with it to deplete the layer.

How does forestation deplete the ozone layer?

Forestation helps the ozone. It doesn't deplete it.

How the ozone layer can be destroyed?

Ozone layer can be destroyed by CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

What cfc's do to the ozone layer?

CFC's deplete the ozone layer. They react with ozone to decompose it.

What wrecks our ozone layer?

CFC's wreck our ozone layer. They react with ozone to deplete it.

Who is damaging the ozone layer?

CFC's are damaging the ozone layer. They react with it to deplete the layer.

What does CFCs do to the ozne layer?

CFC's go in the ozone layer. They deplete the ozone.

When will the ozone layer deplete?


What are chlorofluorocarbons doing ti the ozone layer and how?

They are depleting the ozone layer. they react with ozone and deplete it.

What chemical reaction destroys the ozone layer?

CFC's react with ozone. They deplete the ozone layer.