

Can hamster die from mites

Updated: 10/6/2023
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10y ago

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Overall yes they can die from mites . However it is not the mites itself which kills the hamster . It is the mange . Mange is caused for, mites and if the mites are not cured the hamster will have a very high chance of dying. So you need to get to a vet as quickly as possible or buy an anti-mite spray. Clean and disinfect cage and toys every day. Make sure you use an animal friendly disinfectant and use 10 part vinegar to 90 part water and rinse thourghly so there is no scent. Don't use pine or cedar bedding as that is dangerous for many reasons such as it containing a lot of dust which can cause respiratory problems. That is the same with wood shavings and chips. However you can freeze all bedding and food to kill all bugs parasites mites and lice. Never wash a hamster, it can give it a cold and most importantly, wet tail. When spraying hamster with anti-mite spray shield it's face so it is not in contact with eyes nose or mouth. Also spray cage as well. Please consult a vet do your research read books before you ever consider getting a pet.

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10y ago
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12y ago

Its very unlikely that a hamster would eat the shavings. Often hamsters store them in their cheek pouches and use them as bedding.

But what if they did? I need to know, even though it has been more than a day since my hamster Oreo ate the shaving. Can one shaving hurt the hamster?

it probably wont hurt it, but to be safe, you should take it to the vets. :) dont worry.

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10y ago

This will depend in large part on the type of paper and how much the hamster eats - too much heavy/dense/coated paper could cause an intestinal obstruction that could be fatal. However, hamsters are rodents that have evolved to eat lignin and cellulose, so small amounts of unbleached, undyed raw paper (think toilet paper roll tubes) shouldn't cause too much of a problem. Newspaper, wax paper and similar papers would be more likely to cause problems.

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13y ago

Yes, they can. Although you must not let them stay on saw dust as it can damage them. Improve answer if you wish.

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Does your hamster have mites?

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What is wrong with your hamster shes losing hair and it looks like she has mites?

If a hamster loses its hair, it usually means it has mites, but it could be something else.

Can humans get the kind of mites that your pet hamster have?

No you cannot catch mites from a hamster. Mites are not zoophytic, meaning they cannot be transferred from animals to humans. They may make you itchy for a short while though if you have just touched an animal with a particularly bad case of mites, but they will die off completely in about an hour or so.

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If your dwarf hamster has signs of hair loss lots or itching and green hammy manure then these signs may be theresult of mites

What will be wrong with your hamster?

hamsters are prone to have diabetes, diarrhea, malocclusion, and mites.

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If you are sure it is mites you need to take the hamster to the vets for a set of 3 injections which will cure him.

How do you kill hamster mites?

When my hamster had mites, the vet gave it three weekly injections (the hamster took it surprisingly well!), which sorted the problem perfectly. There are commercial remedies too, usually in the form of a spray. Make sure you cover the hamster's eyes well before you apply it.

Why does my hamster have mites or something different?

It may be mites since they can get them sometimes. If they are very small like the dot a pencil would make and move around that is probably what they are.

How do you help your 1 and a half year old hamster that is losing his hair?

Your hamster may have mites, so you should take them to the vet and have the vet check.

Why would a hamster scratch its fur off its back?

It may have mites, take it to see a vet.

What is wrong with the hamster she is about 18 months old and has lost her fur on half of one side nearer her bottom than head she does not appear in pain does not scratch eats ok runs in her ball?

My guinea pig had a problem like this. She had mites. Take your hamster into the vet and if it is mites, she will get a series of shots.

What does it mean if your hamster's fur is falling off?

It could be an infection of mites, causing the hamster to scratch itself excessively and cause bald patches. Or it could just be a sign of age.