

Can hamsters and gebils have pups together?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No. They are different species and incapable of reproduction. Although some species can breed with other species, like a cow and a bison, they need to be closely related, usually the same genus to reproduce. Hamsters and gerbils are not close enough to do so. But they would have adorable babies if they could breed!

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Q: Can hamsters and gebils have pups together?
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Can a female and male short haired hamsters live together?

Not if you dont want babies and, if you do seperate the pups, bacause the father hamsters always kill or even eat the pups because he doesnt want them.

What are hamsters called?

Baby hamsters are called "pups".

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Baby hamsters are called "pups".

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How many pups do hamsters normally have?

Depending on which type of hamster you have they can have a litter from 2-3 or a litter larger than 15. But on average Dwarf hamsters have 10-13 pups, Syrian hamsters have 8-13 pups, and Teddy-bear hamsters have 15-17 pups. That's the averages but you can't predict because it might surprise you on how many they do have. Just plan for the most.

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All baby hamsters are called "pups".

How many babies do teddy bear hamsters have?

All hamsters have the same amount of baby hamsters (pups). They usually have 2-8 pups per litter. Usually, you will only get 6 or 7. On rare occasions, you could get 10 pups!

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Do Syrian hamsters need the father to raise the pups?

Yes they do

How do you breed and sell hamsters?

Hmmm, you can sell hamster pups but when you breed them it's very tricky and can be hard to master sometimes but sometimes people can abuse breeding hamsters like breeding the mama and the papa hamsters too early or putting the mama and the papa hamster ( if there Syrian hamsters) together at a early age and not separating them, please befor you breed hamsters please read and ask for help befor you breed, and asking here can be asked for help but if you do the breeding wrong then you can hurt the mama and the pups

How many pups does a Chinese dwaft hamsters produce?

They have about 4-20 in a litter. If your hamster has a lot of pups and they look abnormally small, don't worry. That's what happens when you have a lot of baby hamsters.

Does male hamsters eat their pups?

It dose depend but in some cases yes they do. If it is your hamsters first time having pups then yes there is a good chance she will. But if it is not her first time then she most likely wont.