

Can hamsters get humans sick

Updated: 11/11/2022
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13y ago

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Yes they can spread disease to humans. They can spread something called heliphomicia that can cause genital problems and possibly rectal failure. Another dangerous disease they can spread is called thermohygroglifphobia which is extremely dangerous. Think of it as getting a cold, then it turns into liver failure, ripping stomach, lung failure, heart stopping, bone cracking, brain damaging, and that all leads to one painful death. But those diseases are extremely rare. The worst you could get is a cold. But, there still is rabies, so just keep an eye on your hamster (if you have one).

- TND900

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Do hamsters get sick?

yes they do, they can also catch stuff off of humans such as a cold. in the terms of sick you can also say that they can get diseases and fleas.

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Hamsters can catch colds just like humans can. Also, not getting enough water, too much noise, being too cold or too hot, or tumors can make them sick.

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yes and no

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None, hamsters cannot have kiwi, they will get sick.

Can hamsters get sick from humans?

dont worry you dont have any thing to worry about hamsters can not give a human or any other pets or animals an illness I'M AN ANIMAL EXPERT

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How do dwarf hamsters get sick?

They could get wet tail which is very deadly. It's when a hamster sleeps in their own urine (eewww) and then in the area where the tail is, it would be wet. There is only 1 cure for wet tail but it rarely works.

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Take it to the vet immediately if you think your hamster might be sick

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Like humans.