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Q: Can hands falling asleep have anything to do with hypothyroidism?
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Does Carpal Tunnel include hands falling asleep at night?

If your hands are falling asleep at night, that suggests inadequate blood circulation rather than carpal tunnel syndrome. Quite possibly you are not holding your arms in a good position to promote blood circulation. Do not bend the elbows; straight arms are less constricting to blood vessels. On the other hand, some early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can be mistaken for things like poor circulation in the hands ( and hands falling asleep).

You were bitten by a dog in your elbow about four months ago and now your hands and arms fall asleep Could the hands falling asleep be related to the dog bite?

It probably is you might have nerve danage or blood vessle damage GO SEE A DOCTOR

Hands fall asleep?

Hands may fall asleep because of awkward positioning. Nerves may become compressed, which leads to the hands feeling numb and tingly.

What medical conditions cause hands and feet to fall asleep?

Anything that could cause poor blood circulation, even hypertension or anemia.

Is tingling in feet and hands a result of losartan and drinking alcohol?

Losartan is a drug for reducing high blood pressure. So, your tingling could just be a simple result of your hands and feet falling asleep. Certainly, consult with your doctor before taking another dose.

What happens if you use your hands to stop you from falling?

You could break bones in your hands or arms

How do ferrets fall asleep in your hands?

Depends on the ferrets personality, some will ferrets will fall asleep in your hands and some won't. Just like some cats and some dogs don't like to be held, you can't make them. One trick for a ferret is after they have fallen asleep in their usual place, if you pick them up carefully, they will usually stay asleep and you can hold them.

How do you make you arm fall asleep fast?

hit them in the chin or the back of the head or sleeping pills

Can dog grooming cause your hands to fall asleep?

It might be able to. But not right away. it takes time.

Why was the US fighting for South Vietnam?

To preserve the Republic from falling into the hands of the communists.

Why do people eat anything the edible that they can get their hands on?

People may eat anything edible they can find due to factors such as hunger, limited resources, lack of access to nutritious food, or cultural practices. In some cases, individuals may also have a condition known as pica, where they have an appetite for non-nutritive substances.

What is the meaning of hands tied in idioms?

If your hands are tied, then it means you can not do anything about the problem or issue. The concept is that you usually need your hands to do something. If they are tied, you can't do anything.