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Q: Can happen almost anywhere but in the US are most common on the West Coast?
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Do ice storms happen near the coast or inland?

Ice storms happen anywhere there is ice.

What word in the sentence is a common noun Carol went crabbing off the coast of Maryland?

The common noun is coast, a general word for any land adjoining the sea; a word for any coast anywhere.

What part of the US get tornadoes and hurricanes?

Tornadoes can happen anywhere in the U.S. but are most common on the Great Plains, In fact the region is sometimes called Tornado Alley. Hurricanes hit the U.S. most often along the Gulf coast and the southern Atlantic Coast, with Florida being a common place of impact. Occasionally they will strike the northern Atlantic coast.

Does a tornado happen on the coast or in the interior section of the US?

It can happen in both places, but is most common in the interior.

Do sinkholes occur in australia?

Sinkholes can be found almost anywhere but are m0ost comon closer to the coast or where the limestone underground has SEX with the dirt

What part of the US is lettuce grown in?

Lettuce can be grown in a garden almost anywhere in the US, but by far the majority of commercial lettuce is grown in the Salinas Valley on California's central coast.

Where do most landslides occur in the US?

The California coast is where most happen.

Where in the US can tornadoes happen?

Tornadoes have occurred in all 50 states. However. Most tornadoes happen in or near the area known as tornado alley, which extends north from Texas to South Dakota and includes parts of some adjacent states.

When did Amalfi Coast happen?

Amalfi Coast happened in 1997.

Where is the harbor town located?

The Harbour town is located in Australia. It is the largest shopping mall in Australia. It can be found on Corner Gold Coast Highway in Waters, Queensland.

What is a small aafrican crountry that is almost surrounded by the crountryof Ethiopia?

Djibouti. It is northeast of Ethiopia on the coast. It is pretty small, so it is common for people to miss it.

On which coast of the US are scallops more common the Atlantic coast or the pacific coast?

atlantic coast