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It could do because it, or more accurately the mass of tiny air-spaces it creates, obstructsthe flow of heat from warmer to cooler regions.

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Q: Can hay help keep animals cool as well as warm?
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How fur helps animals?

It keeps them warm in the cold weather, and also in the heat it helps cool them down.

How does hair keep animals cool in the winter?

An animal's fur can keep it both cool and warm depending on the season. The fur keeps the cool/warm air between the animal's skin and the outside air.

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Insulation can help keep a warm house warm or a cool house cool. It reduces the transfer of heat by conduction, so warm air stays warm, and cool air stays cool. Insulation is a material that is a poor conductor of heat, usually because of pockets of trapped air.

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No, it helps the body cool down.

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To let off more heat from a larger surface area.

How does fur help mammals Fur help mammals?

Fur and hair helps animals even though they Arte warm blooded to keep warm

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A person can wear a coat in cold weather to keep warm. It is the same principle for animals that have feathers or fur.

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Under Armour is an athletic wear that most people think of as keeping you warm. However, they also makea product called HeatGear Metal that will help keep you cool in warm situations.

What is the fur on the animals used for?

It is used to keep them warm in the cold weather, and to cool them down when it gets hot. you can make clothes out of it too