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Yes, it can as the heat of the atomic bomb is at about 60 degrees throughout a mile.

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Q: Can heat of an Atom bomb melt glass half a mile away?
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Is the outsider optimistic or pessimistic?

He could be either. This is the same kind of question as the half full/half empty glass. In truth, the glass is both half full and half empty.

When was the first atom bomb made?

The first nuclear weapon was constructed by the US in the first half of 1945. This weapon, which was set atop a tower (static test) and code-name Trinity, was detonated on July 16, 1945. The second and third weapons were built later in the year, and these were the pair that was dropped on Japan.

How many people died as a result of the bomb in Hiroshima later and what killed them?

There were around 160,000 death related to Hiroshima bomb. Half of the count died instantly when the bomb went off, the other ones died withing two weeks of radiation sickness.

What was the population after the atomic bomb was dropped?

The atomic bomb was used on two cities in Japan. At Hiroshima the uranium bomb nicknamed 'Little Boy' killed 66,000 people instantly and injured 69,000. The second bomb was a plutonium bomb, nicknamed 'Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki, leveling half of the city. The population of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 before the bomb was 422,000, seconds later it was 383,000 with over 25,000 injured.

How does an atomic bomb effect the economy?

The atomic bomb made Japan's economy temporarily collapse, but, with the help of the United States, got back on it's feet. See it as if a person punched some-one, but then helped them back up. Japan lost many farms, which made the stock market branch in farming collapse. Nagasaki was a major industrial city, and the A-bomb (atomic bomb) took out the stock market branch of the industries. Remember, get your facts straight.

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What do you have when someone drinks half a glass of your half glass of water?

An empty glass, since half a glass drunk from half a glass will leave it empty. ;)

When did the us leave WW2?

It didn't. It fought to the end. The first atom bomb was dropped in order to save perhaps half a million American lives.

Why is it called half-life of an atom?

The half-life of an atom is how long it takes for half of the atom's mass to radioactively decay. This occurs exponentially; therefore, after 2 of the atom's half-lives have passed, 3/4 of the atom will have decay (half during the first half-life, then half of the remaining mass, or one quarter, during the second).

Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?

There are three views of this: The optimist sees the glass as half full. The pessimist sees the glass as half empty. The Engineer says: "What you've got there is the wrong sized glass".

Is your glass half full or half empty or is your glass ALWAYS full?

By Haurn Mo. It depends on your perception. If the glass was already empty and you starting filling it up but stoped halfway, the glass is half full, If you started drink it but stoped halfway, the glass is half empty.

When an atom break what happens to that atom?

The atoms will break into half :)

How full is a glass that is half empty?

Half full. If you look at it as just a glass with water in it then that's what it is. If you put meaning into it then the glass will always be completely full. How full do you want your glass?

What goes into bottle cap drink?

my favorite recipe for the bottlecap drink is this: fill a glass half with lime juice and half with sprite. leave room to drop a shot glass in. fill a shot glass half with raspberry sourpuss and half with rootbeer shnapps. drop the shot glass into the larger glass and drink up!

What is the half life of an element having 3102 atom at beginning of decay and at present it has 1020 atom?

what is the half life of an element having 3*1020 atom at the begining of decay and at present it has 1020 atom

Half empty or half full they look the same?

if the glass has been drunk from full to half then it is half empty and if u only filled the glass half way wouldn't it b half full!

How many servings in a keg?

A half keg has seven and a half cases of beer, plus i glass (12oz. glass)

Is the outsider optimistic or pessimistic?

He could be either. This is the same kind of question as the half full/half empty glass. In truth, the glass is both half full and half empty.