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HSV type 2 can't be cured & it is not related to HIV.

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Q: Can herpes simplex 2 be cured and is it related to HIV?
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Related questions

What is the difference between HSV and HIV?

HSV stands for the Herpes Simplex virus. HIV stands for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. They are two separate conditions. They are both viruses, both sexually transmitted and neither can be cured.

What kind of nucleic acid is Herpes Simplex?

The HIV virus contains two copies of single-stranded RNA.

Can you get HIV from herpes 2?

It's possible. People with herpes can be more suceptable to getting HIV because it can pass more easily through open sores or blisters. So some one with herpes should abstain from having sex while they have any signs of a break out. But just so you know because some one has genital herpes that doesn't always mean they have HIV too.

Where in India can HIV be cured?

There is no current cure for HIV. See the related question(s) for more info.

Can HIV be cured by homeopathy?

No; there is no cure for HIV infection.

Can HIV be cured if caught early enough?

No, it is the gift that keeps on giving. sucks to be you dude i almost banged a chick with herpes once im so glad i found out before i did. that stuff stays with you for life.

What diseases can you get from viruses?

Here are just a few: poliomyelitis, warts, the common cold, chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, herpes simplex (cold sores), influenza, herpes viruses, HIV (AIDS), norovirus (stomach bug), rotavirus and human papillomavirus (HPV).

What diseases are cause by Virus?

Influenza, Rhinovirus (cold), AIDs/HIV, Hepatitis A,B and C, HTLV, Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, HPV, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Zaire, Ebola Reston, Marlburgs, and Rabies just to name a few.

Can they be cured?

Pathogenic diseases can be controlled and treated by the use of proper medication as the medicine fights off the bacteria.

How can the flu be cured?

The flu, like a cold, is a virus, and so far, we really don't have a reliable way to treat viruses. That's why the cold, flu, herpes, HIV, etc aren't cured. the body develops its own response as best it can (cold, flu) until we heal, or we keep the virus forever (herpes, HIV).

Do you believe hiv can be cured?


What are some examples of viral diseases?

HIV/Aids Hepatitis A, B, C Herpes simplex Verruca vulgaris (HPV)