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Q: Can HIV infect cells other than CD4+TC and dendritic cells?
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What human cell is attacked by HIV?

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) seems to only infect the CD4 (or T-helper) cells of the immune system. The CD4 cells are responsible for activating and directing other immune system cells. HIV also infects macrophages and microglial cells that express the CD4 molecule on their surface. The virus can also infect a subtype of myeloid dendritic cells MDC-1.

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Infect other blood cells

What is the function of dendritic cells?

It provides exterior Form. It helps to Control what goes in and out of the CellDendritic cells are a type of immune cell found in the immune system of mammals. Their main role is processing antigen materials and delivery of these materials to surfaces of other cells.

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Epidermal (skin) Langerhans cells (a form of dendritic cell) accumulate with other immune cells in various parts of the body and cause damage by the release of chemicals.

Why do man mostly get color blindness?

You will never find a woman who is colorblind, they can only carry the gene. You see a woman has two sex cells (XX) and neither of these cells are infect-able they can only carry the disorder. A male on the other hand has sex cells XY and our Y cells are infect-able by the disorder.

Why do dogs not catch your cold?

The common cold in humans is caused by rhinovirus, which is pretty specific to humans. There are other strains of rhinovirus that infect dogs, but those strains don't infect humans. The barrier for this is the type of protein on the surface of the cells of the upper respiratory tract - there are different proteins on human cells than there are on canine cells. The virus is very well adapted to only one species, so a human-adapted rhinovirus can only infect humans while a canine-adapted rhinovirus can only infect dogs.

What kind of cell does HIV infect?

HIV infects cells in the central nervous system and the immune system. HIV's main target cell is the T helper lymphocyte. These cells play a crucial role in the immune system, by coordinating the actions of other immune system cells. A large reduction in the number of T helper cells seriously weakens the immune system3

What is squamous epithelial cells and Trichomonas or spermatozoa?

Squamous epithelial cells are normal cells of the skin or of the lining of the urethra, vagina, and other body linings. Trichomonas is a protozoan that can infect the reproductive tract or other body areas, depending on the species. Spermatozoa is the medical term meaning sperm cells.

Do viruses replicate in cells of organisms?

Yes. This is the reason that viruses infect cells. The virus injects its genetic material, either DNA or RNA, which then takes over the cell's activities and turns the cell into a virus factory, causing the cell to make new virus parts and assemble them. Eventually the cell ruptures and the new viruses are free to infect other cells.

How do you describe the reproduction of polio in the body?

Polio virus can infect only human being. Like other viruses, polio virus infect the cells. After getting attached to the cell, the virus genome is inserted into the cell body. The genetic material of the host is broken into small fragments and assembled as per the genome of the polio virus. Multiple such copies are formed and then released in the body to infect the new cells.

How do you infect others computers with viruses?

YOU don't infect other computers with viruses.

What is lytic reproduction?

ex. a virus enters a cell, replicates, and then "lyses" (ruptures) the cell. those virus particles are now free to infect other cells.