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Q: Can hookworms live outside the body?
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Where are hookworms found?

in pig body.

What type of cells do hookworms have?

Hookworms have eukaryotic cells, which include body cells and sex cells.

How does a person get hookworms?

a person can get hookworms if they don't have the right protect: * not wearing shoes when outside * digging with your hands in damp soil Don't touch soil that has been contaminated for it may contain larvae from hookworms! a person can get hookworms if they don't have the right protection: * not wearing shoes when outside * digging with your hands in damp soil Don't touch soil that has been contaminated for it may contain larvae from hookworms! Hookworms can enter through your skin if going around barefoot or exposing your skin to soil where hookworms stay. a person can get hookworms if they don't have the right protection: * not wearing shoes when outside * digging with your hands in damp soil Don't touch soil that has been contaminated for it may contain larvae from hookworms! Hookworms can enter through your skin if going around barefoot or exposing your skin to soil where hookworms stay.

Where do hookworms-live?

thankfully they only live in the tropical or suptropical area

How long does hepitis live outside the body?

Hepatitis C can live for 1 week outside the body.

Body plan of a hookworm?

hookworms have bilateral symmetry

How can you kill the hokworms in your body?

You can kill the hookworms in your body by taking a medication designed to kill hookworms in humans. This medication is similar to those found for dogs or other animals but is authorized by a physician.

What hookworm eat?

hookworms live on the blood of living creatures

Is there any type of worm that can enter your body from the foot?

Yes -- hookworms.

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Can enterococcus live outside the body?

According to my Cell Biology Lab instructor, since the bacteria is anaerobic organism, it'll be difficult for them to live outside the host's body.

How long does staphylococcus aureus live outside the body?

I am not sure how long it will live outside the body, but this does not necessarily matter as many people are carriers.