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Q: Can horses and shetlands live on grass hay and water?
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How do horse get food?

if they are wild then they get grass from where they live and they get water from a sream near by and if they live in a farm than the farmers feed them

What breed of horses live in grasslands?

horse live in grassland coz they eat grass for they survival ........... for surviving they use to live in grass land

Can ponies survive in Antarctica?

Horses live where humans do, except in Antarctica. Small, hairy Icelandic horses survive on arctic tundra, while Arabian horses are adapted to the desert. Wherever they live, horses both domestic and wild require grass and water.

How long can a horse live on grass and hay?

For the rest of its life, as long as it's given water and salt as well. Horses are naturally made to live on grass and hay, and will have no problem living on it for all their lives.

Can horses live in grassy areas?

Yes. Horses need grass to live and thrive, as well as water and grains/ oats. If you are in a place that does not provide grass or live in a grassy area, you can feed them hay, which is basically dried up grass. Be sure you give them the correct amount- over feeding is bad but underfeeding is worse. Horses, bunnys and a few other animals use hay to keep their digestion going and working properly.

Can grass live without water?

no grass can't live without water

Are the Shetlands a good place to live?


Is horse heterotrophic or autotrophic?

Horses are heterotrophic. It has to eat grass to live.

Do wild horses live in grass lands?

Not really. Horses need Grass to eat, and you don't get much Grass in a forest. Also, horses are prey animals. In a forest, they wouldn't be able to run that well and it would be harder for them to spot their predators.

Do horses live a grassland?

Some horses do live in grasslands, but that is not the only place you will find them. Horses live in all kinds of territory, from the marshes of camarogue to desert-like areas with hard rocky ground and sparse grass.

What landscape do horses live on?

Horses live on all kinds of terrain. Horses will live in mountainous areas with snow and blizzards, live in tropical areas, live on hard rocky ground, and some horses live in desserts. They all have adapted to their surroundings: on cold areas such as mountains with little grass to graze on, horses have evolved into ponies so they can survive on less grass than a full-sized horse could and they have developed thick fur and manes to protect themselves from the cold. In desserts they are slimer and can get by with a little les water than other horses. on hard rocky ground, they have developed hooves as strong as the ground they run on and have developed into a smaller horse because there are not rich pastures where they live.

What is a horses habitat like?

Horses typically live in a pasture so they can graze the grass all day. Domestic horses will sometimes be kept in a barn stall.