

Can horses eat foxtail weeds

Updated: 11/17/2022
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9y ago

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No, horses should not eat foxtail. Foxtail plants have stiff bristles called awns. They can become embedded in a horse's tongue and cheeks and this can result in ulcers in the horse's mouth.

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9y ago
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Q: Can horses eat foxtail weeds
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Can horses eat foxtail weeds in a pasture?

No no no no no no no

Can horses eat feed with foxtails?

No, Foxtail is toxic to horses and should be kept far away from them. If a horse ingests any foxtail call an equine veterinarian immediately.

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Will pre-emergent kill foxtail weeds?

Yes, pre-emergents kill foxtail weeds. But they must be applied before warm-weather growth, whose prevention also is aided with organic applications of 5% ascetic acid-containing vinegar.

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Miniature horses eat what regular horses eat grass horse feed etc. Just smaller amounts. Goats will eat plants weeds and grass.

How horses get food and what they eat?

Horses acquire food by foraging; they are herbivores which means they eat vegetation such as grass, weeds, flowers, the bark off trees (generally only when they are really hungry). Domesticated horses (horses that are owned, trained and cared for by humans) are given food by their owners, generally hay (dried grass/weeds/alfalfa) and grain (a mixture of oats, corn, other grains and molasses) on a daily or twice daily basis.

What weeds should a horse or mule not eat?

Obviously that person that wrote the answer before me never owned a horse.A horse's diet should consist mainly of hay/grass and grain or feed of some sort. Sugar cubes should NOT be fed to horses. People think it's okay, but it's really not. Horses shouldn't have any people food like gingersnaps or whatever. My friends give their horses people food all the time, but it's really not good for the horse.Some tree leaves are poisonous to horses like oak, maple and yew tree leaves. There are plants poisonous to horses, but usually horses don't eat these plants anyway. For example, buttercups are poisonous to horses, and though they exist in almost every horse's field, horses don't eat them.There's a lot of things horses shouldn't eat. I think the question should've been what can horses eat. haha.

What animal will eat foxtail plants?

Well, my goat likes them pretty well, as do my chickens.

What is the horses foodchain?

horses eat grass , some weeds, oats sweet feed, hay, alfalfa, leaves, most fruits and veggies my horse also likes peacans , in corn they will eat the shucks and everything, if you need anymore help email me at

How much does the przewalski horse eat?

Przewalski horses will eat grasses, beneficial weeds, tree bark, and even soil to meet their nutritional needs.

What types of weeds can affect wheat?

the weeds could eat you up!

Does a goat eat weeds?

Yes, goats eat weeds. They normally eat grass, but they cannot tell the difference between a weed and a piece of grass so they end up eating weeds.