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Most often a horse will have only one baby at a time but once in a long wile you will have a horse that has twins, if this happens it is better to abort one of them because it can cause problems to the mother and may harm or kill one or both twins.

I had an odd experience once, my mare was pregnant and when I had her checked I found out that she was carrying twins, I I'm had the twin immediately twin aborted but when she delivered, she had twins! This means she actually would have had triplets and if I had not had the third aborted all four animals would have died.

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Q: Can horses have more than one horse and how much is the maxim?
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The age of a horse is important when determining how much to feed it. Horses that are growing need more nutrition than a horse who is not growing or working. Horses who are working hard, breeding, or are in foal or lactating also need more feed. Sometimes very old horses require more feed to keep them healthy because their bodies aren't as efficient at using what they are eating.

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It depends on the horse and what the horses diet is. Some horses like carrots more than apples and some horses like apples more than carrots. Never feed your horse too much treats, like carrots and apples, because too much treats will make your horse too fat and they cannot burp or puke so they will die in the next 12 hours or so.

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