

Can house paint under finger nails make you sick?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, not as far as I have ever heard. Latex paint is harmless unless swallowed.

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Q: Can house paint under finger nails make you sick?
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Does painting your nails stop your nails from growing?

No. The growing part is in back of your nails under the skin. The part that you paint is dead.

Why is there more bacteria under a fingernail than under a toilet seat?

Because it is warm and moist under finger nails. and it is normally quite cold and dry under toilet seats. the conditions for life are far more favourable under the finger nails.

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Soil is different from dirt, as dirt is the stuff under your finger nails.

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Biting your fingernails is more germy than biting off a cockroaches head.

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Grease under finger nails at supper time. Usually seen with a band-aid on at least one finger/knuckle.

Can sperm live under finger nails?

Sperm cannot live under the fingernails. It can only thrive in warm and moist environments. They are the male reproductive cells.

Does your finger nail have germs?

Bacteria and debris can collect under your fingernails. That's why it's so important to make sure you clean your nails well.

Why keep finger nails short when cooking?

There are a couple reasons, one is because germs grow under your nails and can be transfered from one food to another. The other is nails accidentally break or chip and no one wants to find yours in their mashed potatoes or in the macaroni at the salad bar.

Why the nails grow?

Your nails protect your skin under your nails.

Can fingernails can get mold?

Yes, finger nails can get mold or fungus. It often occurs when people wear artificial nails too long and mold grows under them. It can be treated with oral antibiotics or anti fungal creams. Consult a physician!

Why did they torture people in world war 2?

Because people love to torture others.. Just like today. also the methods were that they would put bambo under your nails and put water on they and it would slowly rip your finger nails off.