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Yes. Even orally as long as she doesn't swallow!

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11y ago

Yes of course it is entirely up to you if it feels strange stop if not you no about the rest

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Can we gusul while fasting in islam?

Of course you can. You have to make ghusl (if ghusl is necessary for purification) in order to pray. Fasting does not change that. And fasting without praying is useless. So you must make ghusl (being careful not to take the water into the back of the throat).

Does sexting break fasting in Islam?

While sexting is not considered breaking the fast literally (as nothing has been eaten), one of the requirements of fasting in Islam is the abstention of sex and physical pleasures associated with sex. Sexting would qualify as an attempt to sexually arouse either yourself or your partner, which would make it a prohibited practice while fasting.

Is smoking weed while water fasting bad?

No, smoking weed will not do anything to affect the fast. Although it might make you hungry and make it hard to stick to the fast.

When was fasting made?

it make obligattory in the of ramzan

When was fasting made obligatory?

fasting is obligatory at the month of Ramadan only other days the fasting is optional , fasting is obligatory for adult Muslim , but if there is satisfactory condition it will not be obligatory and if you have to travel and it make you tired so it will not be obligatory

How does fasting make your skin clear?

Fasting clears the body of debris by allowing it to concentrate on cleansing rather than digestion.

How do you make a guy love you while chatting on the net?

If you're looking for love on the Internet, have a nice life.

Is it possible for a guy to be in love but not in the mood to make love to you?

Yes - the love making emotion is a physical emotion, while to be "In love" is closer to a state of mind.

Can diabetics do intermittent fasting?

I wrote a blog post about this: while intermittent fasting may have potential benefits for some diabetics, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and work closely with a healthcare provider to determine whether or not it is a safe and appropriate option.

Can fasting once in a while make you live longer?

How ignorant! People fast for other than religious reasons. Any fasting that you do will help you live longer, however it's best to make each fast last at least one week to allow your body to take care of more than what's on the surface. Here's a link that will provide you with lots of good information on fasting, however there are many more. It's worth taking the time to read about fasting as it's the best thing you can do for yourself and your life, both for its quality and quantity. Happy Fasting! no it's just part of a religion>

Does fasting Ramadan make you skinny?

no. it doesnt make u skinny...but it sure will make u hefty if u overeat at iftaar! on the contrary, fasting improves the digestion and takes good care of one's metabolism rate..

Are you allowed to swim during fasting in Islam?

Of course, you are allowed to swim during fasting in Ramadan or any other day. However, you should be sure not to swallow or o get into your mouth any water during swimming, otherwise, your fasting is no longer valid.