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We can create conditions that 'mimic' gravity, and provide the familiar 'downward' force
that we need in order to remain oriented and feel normal. But it's not gravity.

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Q: Can humans create artificial gravity
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why is it bad for humans to travel to space?

The lack of gravity and exposure to artificial gravity severely weakens bones.

What is meant by the term 'artificial gravity'?

The term "artificial gravity" refers to using science technology to create gravity. This is usually desired by astronauts and space organizations such as NASA to keep their astronauts healthy and to minimize the effects of weightlessness on astronauts during long term space travel.

Why wasn't the International Space Station built with artificial gravity?

As of 2010, artificial gravity technology has not been invented.

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Unless humans figure out a way to create artificial air, we would never survive on Mars.

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Is gravity used in space travel?

If you mean do any manned spacecraft use artificial gravity, the answer is, not so far. But, in the future, large spacecraft may create artificial gravity by rotating them. To conserve fuel, the gravity of the moon/planets is used to pull spacecraft toward them. And of course the gravity of earth is used to hold/pull on spacecraft so they orbit (circle) around it instead of flying off into space.

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Artificial - as in made by humans - yes

What has artificial intelligence achieved?

AI has achieved a lot in the past few years. Humans have been able to create robots that work on AI.

Does artificial intelligence relate to human life?

Short Answer: Yes , since one of the aims of AI is to create machines that are as intelligent as humans or more.

Are humans artificial or organic?

Humans (same with animals, plants, and aliens) are organic, while robots and/or machines are artificial.

How do you create 0 gravity in technically?

how do you create 0 gravity in technically

How fast will a spacecraft have to go to create artificial gravity?

Speed doesn't create artificial gravity. Acceleration does. That means change of speed.That's why you feel heavier when the elevator starts up, and lighter when it starts down.And it's why you feel a force (like gravity) pushing you back into the seat when the car starts forward,and a force (like gravity) pulling you forward out of your seat when the car slows down.As long as the spacecraft (or car) is speeding up, there will be a force (like gravity) pulling backwards.As long as the spacecraft (or car) is slowing down, there will be a force (like gravity) pulling forward.If the spacecraft (or car) goes 32.2 feet per second faster after every second, then the forcewill have the same strength as earth's gravity.