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Q: Can humans get a myxoma tumor from rabbits?
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What if a person has a myxoma tumor and isnt able to have it removed?

they will die

What is a myxoma?

A myxoma is a rare, usually noncancerous, primary tumor (a new growth of tissue) of the heart. It is the most common of all benign heart tumors.

What is the treatment for myxoma?

Surgery is used to remove the tumor. Myxomas can regrow if they are not completely removed. The survival rate for this operation is excellent.

How are rabbits and humans different?

Rabbits and humans are different because rabbits hop and humans walk.

How would you explain how natural selection affects the European rabbit exposed to the myxoma virus?

The rabbits with the traits to overcome the virus will live and be resistant to the virus. The rabbits who lack the traits needed to overcome the virus will die.

What if a person has a myxoma tumor and isn't able to have it removed?

well hunney it is oviouse that you will die so stop answering stupied and ovious questions and get to work okey by the way your answer is _yes_:)

Are rabbits becoming endangered?

It is unlikely that wild rabbits would become endangered. They are prolific breeders and, despite the introduction of the disease, Myxomatosis, caused by the myxoma virus, I see little rabbit reduction in the farm fields surrounding my Lancashire village home.,

Where are myxomas found?

Myxoma is an intracardiac tumor; it is found inside the heart. Seventy five percent of all myxomas are found in the left atrium, and almost all other myxomas are found in the right atrium.

Can rabbits be barren?

Yes, rabbits, just as with humans can be infertile.

What do rabbits eat but humans eat?

Carrots would be the only food that I know of that both rabbits and humans eat

Are humans a species of rabbit?

No. Rabbits are lagomorphs and humans aren't.

Animals that eat carrots?

rabbits and humans eat carrots.