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Penicillin G is made for humans and animals. " Pen Strep" refers to a mixture solution of one part Penicillin and One part streptomycin. It is a standard antibiotic used for a wide range of gram negative and gram positive bacteria in both animals and humans. You wouldn't want to use animal penicillin on a human because animal penicillin often comes in a higher or lower dose dependent on factors such as weight and lbs per milligram rules. As with any Antibiotic drug....You could overdose and cause serious injury and possibly death. You could under dose which could lead the bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotic which in case, would only lead to the need of another antibiotic to cure the infection.

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Q: Can humans take animal penicillin
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Cats tolerate penicillin, but the dosage varies from that humans take. Please take this animal to the vet -- even if you do get the right dosage of penicillin, and even if the cat isn't allergic, I presume from your question you're not able to suture the wound. Please get a vet invovled in this.

What is the difference between penicillin used on humans versus animals?

The question is unclear and sounds like the outcome of penicillin for us to use against animal contamination, but if you mean what effect penicillin has on animals, it would depend on the biological makeup of the animal. As with humans, some of us have an allergy to penicillin and can become quite ill even thought it was made to help cure us against infection and disease. On the other hand, there have been reports of no effects of penicillin on both some humans and some animals. It would be logical to assume that some animals will suffer adverse effects of penicillin, but I would hope than any administration of such a drug is for their healing and not for testing. I am sure that many humans would be happy to be test dummies as we are the best candidates, especially if we know that animals were tested on and suffered for our own mortality and well being.

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Penicillin was developed without animal testing. Later studies showed that penicillin is ineffective in rabbits.

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Guinea Pigs.

Why does type 2 diabetics can't take penicillin?

Diabetes is not a contraindication for penicillin. You can safely take penicillin without regard to diabetes.

What animal kingdom is a penicillin mold in?

The penicillin mold is a fungus called Penicillium and it belongs to the Fungi kingdom.

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