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This largely depends on what country you are talking about, and its own specific local laws, so it is difficult to answer here (remember this website can be viewed anywhere in the world)

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Yes, a husband can file a sexual harassment complaint on his wife's behalf if she consents to it and is unable to do so herself. It's important for the wife to provide authorization and support in such cases.

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11y ago

Can husband file sexual harrassment on wife's behalf

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Can creditors take wifes car for husbands debts?

It depends on the ownership of the car. If the car is in the wife's name only, typically it cannot be taken for the husband's debts. However, if both spouses own the vehicle jointly, it may be at risk if creditors seek to collect on the husband's debts.

Who watched over the house slaves and managed the plantation house?

The overseer typically managed the plantation house and watched over the house slaves on a Southern plantation during the antebellum period in the United States. This overseer was responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations, ensuring the house slaves performed their duties, and reporting to the plantation owner.

What happens if you die with debt but you have no assets?

If you die with debt but have no assets, typically your creditors will not be able to collect on the debt. Your estate is responsible for paying off your debts, so if there are no assets in your estate, the debt may not be fully repaid. Your heirs are generally not responsible for your debt unless they were co-signers on the loan.

Is there any difference in order between ex- and former?

No, "ex" and "former" can typically be used interchangeably to refer to someone who previously held a particular title, position, or role. Both terms signify that the person is no longer in that position or role.

What is the legal right of second wifes son on the property of first wife?

The legal rights of a second wife's son on the property of the first wife would depend on the laws of the specific jurisdiction where the property is located. Typically, the first wife's property would be inherited by her legal heirs according to the laws of inheritance in that jurisdiction, which may or may not include the second wife's son, depending on factors like whether the first wife had a will or other legal arrangements in place. It is advisable to seek legal advice to understand the specific rights involved in this situation.