

Can hyena kill a dog for his food?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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the can kill them

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Q: Can hyena kill a dog for his food?
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What type of dog has killed a hyena?

Mastiff breeds are big and strong enough to kill hyenas.

Are lions a predator of the hyena?

Yes and no. A lion will not hunt a hyena but it will kill one as hyenas are seen as competition for food by lions, but that is not to say that a hungry lion would not eat hyena. But it works the other way too, hyena would kill a lion and i have seen them eat a dead lioness!

Can a hyena kill a cougar?

i dont really know if a hyena kills a cougar but my aswers is a cougar can kill a hyena

What animal will kill and eat a hyena?

lions will kill and eat a hyena

Can a dog kill a hyena?

difinentily.yeah. p.s, if you like dogs more than cats,you need to go to the hospital.

Does a hyena have a predator?

Yes! The Lion, who will often kill Hyena cubs, as well as large prides of Lions who will kill Hyena Adults when the Hyenas will try to poach (steal) a fresh kill from Lions.

Which is stronger a striped hyena or a gray wolf?

A gray wolf is stronger because it out weighs the hyena and is mored skilled than a striped hyena, not to say that a striped hyena is just a weak scavenger like most people say. Think about it like this, if a striped hyena is attacked by a large dog it will feign death, if a wolf is attacked by a dog, it will kill it, even the most powerful dogs. A more equal fight would be a gray wolf vs spotted hyena.

What names can you call an hyena?

Even though the hyena is not closely related to the dog, the hyena is still doglike. The hyena is doglike because his or her facial features look like a dog's face. The hyena is more closely related to the cat than the dog. The hyena is a close relative to the mongoose family. Thus, the hyena can be defined as a doglike animal that is closely related to the civet cats yet distantly related to the domestic cats.

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No they don't kill children for food. You have to go to a store that sales dog food.

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How does a dog catch its food?

With their teeth and then they kill it.