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Yes, it was documented first in 1837, a successful treatment of multiple personality disorder using hypnosis. It has remained a controversial treatment over the years, although it has been proven to be very effective.

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Q: Can hypnosis treat dissociation disorder
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Is the dissociation disorder healthy?

Dissociation is a dangerous mental disease.

Is hypnosis related to psychology?

Yes. Hypnosis was broadly used by the first psychoanalysts and even today they still use, as well as psychologists from other schools (namely the cognitivists). It's a scientific way to access the mind without the repression of the superego, and it's very effective particularly treating addictions (namely cigarette addiction).

In the movie HARVEY what disorder does ellwood P Dowd have?

Dissociation Identity Disorder.

What disorders involves the turning off of consciousness such as a multiple personality disorder?

The type of disorder is dissociation. There are many kinds of dissociative disorders. One of these is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The old name for this was Multiple Personality Disorder.

What is the nature of bipolar disorder schizophrenia and multiple personalities?

bipolar disorder, mood disorder, symptoms are extremecycles of high and low moodschizophrenia, thought disorder, symptoms are hallucinations and delusionsmultiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder, dissociation disorder, symptoms are changes in identity and personality

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The first drug to treat bipolar disorder was lithium.

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Can hypnosis cure sleep apnea?

No. Hypnosis can be used for treatment of psychological conditions such as slepplessness due to anxiety, but sleep apnea is a physical condition. Trying to treat sleep apnea with hypnosis would be like trying to cure a heart condition with hypnosis - it's just the wrong kind of treatment.

Can hypnosis be used to make a man impotent?

While I have never heard of hypnosis being used to make a man impotent, I have heard of hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) being used to treat impotence and other sexual dysfunction conditions.

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What drugs are used to treat biopolar disorder?

It depends on what your doctor prescribes. One medication that can be used to treat bipolar disorder is Lithium Carbonate.

Are seizures associated with bipolar disorder?

Medications, such as Trileptal, which are designed to treat seizures, are also successfully used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.