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Possibly - it depends on your total income (including RSDI and SSI) and assets (excluding home, auto and personal property).

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Q: Can i get food stamps if I'm on social security and ssi in AZ?
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Can you get a converter box if you are SSI and Food stamps?

Yes I am on SSI benifits and food stamps

What does SSI stands for?

Social Security Identification

Is social services in NJ allowed to include the income from SSI to get food stamps?

Yes the SSI payments amount would be counted as a part of your support income assistance that you are receiving for your necessary living expenses.

Is social security considered income for v.a pension?

Social Security Retirement & Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are not.

Can child support be withdrawn from social security?

Yes, but not from SSI.

When you turned 62 did your ssi change to social security?


How does the government pay social security to illegal aliens that pay into it on paychecks?

Easy answer. Illegal aliens cannot receive Social Security. Social Security Disability, SSI, Food stamps, unemployment or any other federal/state benefit. In fact if the become known to any government agency, they are expected to report the information to Immigrations. I suppose some people might get benefits with fake ID, but that would not be easy.

Where does ssi checks come from?

SSI is administered by Social Security and is funded by general revenues - taxes, etc.

How much can one earn a week on ssi?

you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security. you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security. you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security.

What is SSI under the Social Security Administration?

SSI is Supplemental Security Income, a means-tested form of welfare available only to disabled people and seniors 65 and older whose income and assets fall below a certain poverty threshold. SSI is administered by the Social Security Administration.

Where do you get info on ssi ssd law?

From the social security web site.

Can a parole get medicaid food stamps and SSI?

Yes, if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.