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It all depends on how much you do usually, how long you've done it and you're body type

It's usually 3 days

I heard drinking vinegar helps get amphetamines out quicker and try taking a few advil a few hours before the test

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Amphetamines, Methamphetamines included, will be present in Urine for 2-4 day. Vitamin C and other acidic nutrients will make this time be 3x shorter than just allowing it to pass through your body.

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Q: Can i pee clean in 12 hours after using meth?
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What dissolves sugar but not crystal meth?

Water is effective at dissolving sugar due to its polar nature, but crystal meth is not very soluble in water. However, substances such as acetone or other organic solvents are more efficient at dissolving crystal meth while not dissolving sugar.

How do you pass a piss test if you just smoked a blunt and the test is a day away?

Well maybe using a fake pee would do the trick since there is no other way to clean out in 24 hours or less.

If your pee is sent to a lab will it be clean?

If your pee is sent to a lab for testing, it will depend on what is being tested for. The lab will analyze different substances present in your urine to determine if there are any abnormalities or substances of concern. Whether it is considered "clean" or not will depend on the specific criteria set by the testing facility.

Can you pass a pee test for meth a week after you smoked it?

can you pass a pee test for meth in a short amount of time after taking it? the reality of it is you are a crackhead stop taking crack, ice, smack, coke, meth or whatever it is u are using and stop stealing to buy more of it, it will make it better for the rest of the non crackheads out there also if you want to rid yourself of that ugly habit you should go to jail they have great programs to help you

How do you pass a five panel drug test?

Easy. I wrote this, was about to publish it, then realized you filed it under methampetamines. STOP SMOKING METH. It is a horrible drug - the worst - I cant imagine a worse drug. Cocaine, heroine, weed, x, and barbituates are all less harmful than meth. If you are smoking meth, you should probably fail the test and go to rehab. That stuff is horrible. The obvious answer of how to pass a five panel drug test is to not do drugs. If not, this works too, from what I hear. Materials 500-1000mg creatine monohydrate, at least a liter of water, some kind of coke or mountain dew, etc. passing the test If you know when it is, its very simple. don't eat for 12 hours before the time. Next, 1.5-2 hours before your test, ingest the creatine, and liter of water. Next, drink the coke, at least 45 mins before the test. When you go to pee, go in the toilet for a while, then after you've gone for a bit, pee in the cup. Clean and clear. If you are tested randomly, keep a pill of the creatine monohydrate in your pocket. when you hear you have to pee, obviously say you just went. take the pill and drink as much water as you can for the next 2 hours. drink a coke if possible. after at least 2 hours, or as long as you can go without exploding, go to pee in the cup, but pee in the toilet a bunch first, then in the cup. Clean. Why this works Creatine monohydrate will keep your kidneys from putting toxins from your blood into your urine. it works for about 6 hours, the best window is the 3-4 hours in the middle. divide an inverted bell curve into six hours and that is a visual amount of toxins in your pee is. If you pee in the window, you are peeing water. That's why you put the coke in there - to put some sugars and stuff in yo pee so it doesnt look like you poured water into a cup.

Smoked weed for over 20 years quit using for 75 days was able to pee clean fell off the smoke wagon and smoked for about a month how long should it take to pee clean again?

Depending on your weight, A week- A month.

How do you pee clean?

Don't do drugs.

How to keep water clean?

dont pee in it

How do you clean dog pee from your bed?

To clean dog urine from your bed, first absorb as much of the urine as possible with paper towels. Then, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar and spray it on the affected area. Blot the area with a clean cloth and sprinkle baking soda over it. Let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up.

Is pee clean enough to drink?

No, drinking urine can be harmful to your health as it contains waste products and toxins that your body is trying to get rid of. It is not safe to drink urine.

Where to let dog pee?

let a dog pee outside... if it poos clean it up please!!

How do you clean invisalign braces?

wipe your penis on them and then pee on them. then lick the pee off until its dry.