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Unblock the fellow and send the message.

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Q: Can i still send a message if i blocked the person?
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Can you send a message on facebook to the person who blocked you?

No, you can not view their profile or even search them.

Why does your phone not want to send a text message to a one person in your contacts?

The person you are sending to may have them blocked.

Can someone read your last message after you blocked her email address?

yes because if you already sent the message then they will receive it and you can still send them messages and they can send you messages but you will not receive there messages for you message provider will block it.

If someone is removed as a contact on live messenger can they still contact the person who blocked them?

no the person that is removed cant contact they can type a message but you will never get it. the only way they could contact you is if they send you a email.§EscapeNinja§

If someone has blocked you on msn will it still let you type an offline message to them?

No, when blocked it means you are not able to send or receive messages, pictures etc to or from the msn user.

How do you know if somebody blocked you on Yahoo mail?

If it is in the case of Y! messenger, then you will get a pop up saying "you cannot send message since you have been blocked". I am not pretty sure about the pop up message.But if you are reported as "Spam" by another person ,then messenger will not allow you to send any message to the person concerned.

If you are blocked on IMVU are you also banned from that person's room?

Indeed, you will be banned from his/her room. Aside from that you will not be able send any message to him/her.

Is there anyway of knowing if someone received your message or not when the person has blocked you?

You can't write a message on someone else's message board if you are blocked. Though, if you did manage to write a message on someone's board, there is no way to know if they read it or received it or not.

If you are blocked on MSN Messenger can you still send emails?

It depends if this person blocked you from both. If so, no, you can´t send anything. The question is: Why did this person block you. I guess the person doesn´t want to have any contact with you... so respect this choice, please.

How do you Send a message when blocked on someones my space?

call their house Of course not ... why do you think you are blocked? THINK!!! Blocked means just that ... blocked for any kind of access.

Can I still send a message someone who has unfriend you in facebook?

Depends on that person's privacy settings.

Why can you send a message?

Instead of talking face to face, or if some one is far away you can send them a message on facebook on profile where I am blocked so they cannot send my friends a messages.