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Q: Can i sue a contractor that owes me money?
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Can you sue a bankrupt who owes rent?

Yes, you can sue anyone who owes you money

How can you get compensation from a tenant that owes money?

You can sue them in court.

Can i sue a person from another state who owes me money in small claims court?

Yes, you can sue a person from another state if that person owes you money. Access your local small claims court to file the lawsuit.

How can get you get your money back from a contractor who has done no work?

Sue them in civil court.

How do you get money of a friend who not paying myself what they owes?

tell them you'll sue that's what i'd do

What can you do if a friend owes you 3000 for appliances?

You can sue her for the money she owes you. The promissory note will be prima facie evidence of the debt and the court will issue a judgment lien.

Can you sue a US company who owes money to you because of their breach of a contract if you work and live in Russia Moscow?


What can i do when there contractor I have worked for for two years now owes me 900.00 buck and refuses to pay me?

Seek legal advice - take the employer to court sue them for the amount plus costs

What is the maximum amount of money that an unlicensed contractor can charge for their service?

"Don't do it, because if you screw up they can sew you for all your worth. My advice is get licesened then if you screw up you have insurance for a reason." Wrong, an unlicensed contractor in California has no standing to sue, however, a homeowner may sue the unlicensed contractor and recover any money paid even if they are and were aware of the state of the contractor's license prior to contracting.

What is the maximum amount of money that an unlicensed contractor charge for their services?

"Don't do it, because if you screw up they can sew you for all your worth. My advice is get licesened then if you screw up you have insurance for a reason." Wrong, an unlicensed contractor in California has no standing to sue, however, a homeowner may sue the unlicensed contractor and recover any money paid even if they are and were aware of the state of the contractor's license prior to contracting.

What is economic reality test?

The economic Reality Test is a test used by courts to further determine between an employee and an independent contractor. They use this mainly to determine if payroll taxes should have been paid on a person working for a business. If the contractor end up being classified as an employee, the business owes payroll taxes on the money paid to that person. If the person is determined to be an independent contractor, then the person owes income taxes on the money paid to them.

Shower door contractor dept amount 600. Can they place a lien on home in Bend Oregon?

You bet they can ... or rather can have a legal firm do it for them. If someone owes the contractor money, they are entitled to do whatever is necessary to collect the debt. The contractor also has bills of their own to pay, too.