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As religious beliefs are a matter of opinion, it would be impossible to prove that God does or doesn't exist. Therefore, a verdict would prove impossible to reach in a court of law.

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Q: Can i sue the church for false advertising?
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Who do i contact if i want to sue my landlord for false advertising?

Real-estate attorney

Can a religion be guilty of false advertising?

That depends. It would not be considered false advertising to asert that God (or gods) exists, that Jesus loves you, or that you will be saved by attending church or contributing to the church funds. Like all organisations, a religion could be guilty of false advertising if it promised investors a financial return that it knew would not be achieved. Perhaps it could be guilty of false advertising if it claimed to heal illnesses through faith, but such cures never seem to eventuate. In short, there would have to be secular reasons to support a claim of false advertising.

A method of advertising or selling that uses false claims is called?

A method of advertising or selling that uses false claims is called false advertising.

Who do you call if someone is false advertising?

If someone is false advertising, you should contact the Better Business Bureau

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How do you get out of a tmobile family plan contract early?

Come up with all sorts of problems you are having like with phones and service. They will let you out if you are "Having problems" because if not you could sue them for false advertising.

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Can you sue someone for defamation of character and false accusations?

You can sue anyone for anything.

How much false advertising is there in the world?


How do you start a speech about false advertising?

With words