

Best Answer

Do NOT use the

tag! It has been deprecated (thrown away) by the World Wide Web Consortium (who creates the official standards for the World Wide Web). If you use it in your HTML, than you will have many errors and your website will be behind terribly. Also, do not use align=middle. I don't see how he can be an expert with those answers. First of all his syntax only works in programming script like JavaScript (plus middle rarely works). Even further, "align" is no longer a valid CSS property. Here is how it should actually be done to make your site better, faster, and follow the universal standards for web programming:

This is where your text goes

If you already have a CSS file, you can simply add this to the file:

p {



Please don't trust his answers; they will only make your page suffer. If you don't believe me, search 'center tag html5'. I hope I was able to provide you with a clearer and accurate solution compared to the 'expert'.

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9y ago

Yes you can use centered alignment in a paragraph in HTML. Just use align="middle" or <center> tag within the <p> tag.

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Just use the align="" attribute in the tag surrounding the text: &lt;p align="center"&gt;This text will be aligned inside the container it is.&lt;/p&gt; Of course that can be styled with CSS: p { text-align: center; } That will make every set of "p" tags centered.

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In an HTML document, to start a new paragraph, the &lt;p&gt; tag is used. Here p stands for paragraph and will start a new para.

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How do you add a paradraph in HTML?

Paragraphs are controlled by HTML &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; tags. Here is an example of two paragraphs: &lt;p&gt;This is paragraph 1.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;This is paragraph 2.&lt;/p&gt;

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&lt;p&gt; tag is used to define paragraph in HTML. It could be aligned anywhere in the page.

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The H.yper T.ext M.arkup L.anguage (HTML) is the building block of all web pages. Web pages are made with HTML instructions in a text file. * All Web pages contain instructions on how to be displayed * The browser displays the page by reading these instructions * The most common display instructions are called HTML tags * The HTML tag for a paragraph looks like this: "" * A paragraph in HTML is defined like this "This is a paragraph"

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The part of HTML in angle brackets are called tags. A common tag is a paragraph tag: &lt;p&gt;Paragraph text goes here.&lt;/p&gt;.

What is a paragraph tag?

A paragraph tag is used within HTML syntax to create a section of text that the webpage interprets as a singular chunk (similar to a paragraph). Within HTML code, use the tags &lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt; to denote data you want to display within the paragraph. For instance: &lt;p&gt;Text I want to display.&lt;/p&gt;

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With the tag.The first paragraph The second paragraph TechnicalA paragraph is a block element, which means it naturally takes up the whole width of the page.

Which type of tags HTML uses?

HTML uses markup languages for it's functionality. It uses &lt;p&gt; for paragraph, &lt;a&gt; for hyperlink etc.

How do you tell your car's alignment is off?

Here is a pretty good answer: