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Q: Can ice help clot blood on a wound?
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Does ice directly over an open wound inhibit clotting?

No. Ice on an open wound actually HELPS clotting. Lowering the local temperature, ice stimulates a heat-loss reflex that significantly reduces blood flow by constricting arterioles. (This causes the cold tissue to appear light in color. And it's also why ice is helpful in first aid for closed injuries, to prevent swelling.) The reduced blood flow allows the clot to form and stick without washing away. You might guess ice would inhibit clotting, because low temperature decreases two processes important in clotting: release of clotting factors by blood platelets, and the enzyme reactions that actually convert liquid blood into a clot. However, these two reactions are only slightly affected by cold, while local blood flow is dramatically reduced by cold. In contrast to ice, mild heat inhibits clotting by increasing local blood flow.

Can ice heal cuts?

It won't heal them. It can help them clot to stop bleeding, and can offer a little relief from the pain, but it won't heal them.

How do you transport wound culture to lab?

On ice

How do ice help stop a nose bleed?

Ice will make the blood vessels contract. This will slow down the flow of blood and will help it to stop. Do not freeze your nose. Ice as in around its melting point of temperature is good.

What to do when someone has suffered a burn?

Ifthe burns are superficial,"SILVERX" ointment will help greatly..Wash the wound with running or cold water,put ice on it for sometime and after that put silverx cream on the wound.

What can you eat the second day of wisdom teeth out?

I had ice cream, ramen, mashed potatoes, popsicles (just don't suck on them too hard or the blood clot can come out), jello...

How is wound culture transported to lab?

On ice

Why ice make wound on hands?

Actually, only dry ice leaves a wound on your finger. It does that because it freezes off the skin cells( but it feels like its burning), leaving a wound. So the lesson is to never touch dry ice because I have, and it hurts.

Would an ice pack help bleeding on your head?

Yes, the ice helps cool the cells from their regular temperature and promotes clotting of the injury therefore once the blood clots the wound does not bleed anymore. Ice is an excellent idea but to be on the safe side do not fall asleep for a few hours and visit a health center to be checked for concussion in the event that there was a fall, slip, or even blunt object used against you.

Does salt and ice hurt you?

If the skin isn't broken, not at all. The ice may cause cold-burns, though. If the skin is broken, salt can help to keep the wound clean but may also result in scarring.

How do you speed up healing of surgical wound?

Ice it as often as you can.

What would happen if you had no platelets?

Your blood would not clot. So if you got a papercut, you would bleed copiously. If you got a bruise, it could be quite harmful. And if you got hit on the head by something (light) you could be seriously injured from internal bleeding.