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Q: Can ice hold us citizens
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What does U.S.I hold mean?

Us immigration

Are Guam residents US citizens and do they hold us passports?

They are US nationals meaning they can hold a US passport; but they are not US citizens which means there are certain limitations for them (e.g. taking high positio federal level jobs or vote in presidential elections)

Does Justice Elena Kagan have Israeli citizenship?

No. Justice Elena Kagan is Jewish, but is a US citizen born to US citizens. She does not hold dual citizenship in the US and Israel.

Getting us passport for green card holder?

only US citizens can hold a US passport. the resident alien must first apply and complete the citizenship process

What can legal aliens do in the US?

As non-citizens, there are several things that they cannot do - chief among them is they cannot vote in a US election and they may not hold public office.

What does hold for ice mean?

ICE stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If a person is arrested, the jail personal will check to see if the person is a legal resident of the US. If the person has immigration problems, the jail will hold the person for ICE personnel, and will not allow them to bond out. ICE will pick up the person and they may be deported.

What is the minimum years of the presidence required to be the president?

Assuming that you are talking about being president of the US, only native born citizens are eligible currently. Foreign born citizens cannot hold that office.

What are tiles of nobility?

They are the titles bestowed by a monarch and expressly forbidden by the US constitution. Although there are US citizens who covertly hold honorary British and European knighthoods etc.

Are American Indians or Native Americans US citizens?

Yes, if they are born in the US, they are US citizens.

Are citizens from Grenada US citizens?


Why are complex apartment owners allowed to rent to illegal aliens before us citizens?

Legally, they're not allowed. Call the ICE or cops, see what they can do.

What is a ice hold?

ICE is commonly Immigration and Customs Enforcement. An "ICE HOLD" prevents the release of those who are suspected of violating immigration law.