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Homeopathy, according to the most recent meta-analysis study, is no better than a placebo. If you are actually ill, please see a doctor.

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Q: Can igf1 be treated by homeopathy?
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What is the difference betweeb IGF1 and IGF2?

The main difference between IGF1 and IGF2 is when they are used for growth. IGF1 is an important growth hormone during childhood and adulthood, whereas IGF2 contributes to growth during the fetal stage.

What is different between homeopathy and allopathy?

Homeopathy is based on "Principle of Similars" (let like be treated by likes) where as Allopathy is mostly (not always) based on "Principle of contraries" which is also known as anti-pathy.

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Alternative treatments for laryngitis include various herbal therapies, as well reflexology , homeopathy, relaxation , and exercise.

What does homeopathy treat?

Homeopathy treats patients, not diseases. Any symptom may be treated with homeopathy but not everything can be cured by any single modality of healing. Homeopathic medicines are available for a wide range of conditions, from acute to chronic (longstanding). As we are all so very different in our mental and physical makeup it is reasonable to expect that our reaction to an illness will also be different and individual.

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In homeopathy we don't have drugs, we have remedies

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Some of the alternative treatments include diets, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, homeopathy, acupressure, and acupuncture.

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Potentially beneficial therapies include nutritional therapy, herbal remedies, homeopathy, aromatherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, and relaxation techniques.

Can chickenpox be prevented by taking homeopathy?

Chickenpox can't be prevented with homeopathy.

I am interested in a degree in homeopathy, what colleges offer this?

American Medical College of Homeopathy offers a degree in homeopathy. You can start your application process at

Has anyone cured hypothyroidism using homeopathy?

Hyperthyroidism - The thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, This condition arises from insufficient hormone production by the thyroid gland. Iodine shortage, postpartum depression, or stress may be the cause of it. Yes, there are people got cured by homeopathy but the selection depends upon the patient's distinctiveness, taking both mental and physical symptoms into account. Thyroid diseases can be treated safely and effectively using homeopathy. To learn more about homeopathy treatments, you can also speak with your healthcare provider. If you're in Dubai and are interested in receiving homeopathic care, you can schedule an appointment with Dr Care Homeopathy Dubai.

How is bulimia nervosa treated in alternative medicine?

They include diet, nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, biofeedback training, hypnotherapy, massage therapy and light therapy.