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Yes, it can. This could be a sign of infective endocarditis, seek qualified medical advice.

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Q: Can infection from having a wisdom tooth pulled cause chest pain?
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How soon after having your wisdom teeth pulled should you clean out the holes?

The holes are actually stitched closed. So there aren't actually any holes. Don't go poking around where the teeth were, you might cause an infection.

I'm having lower back pain what can cause that?

Many things can cause lower back pain such as a pulled muscle or even a kidney infection.

Can having teeth pulled cause an infection where a lump appears under your jaw line and is very painful?

If it is not kept clean, it will become infected.

Can a n impacted wisdom tooth cause severe headaches?

if it is the source of an infection, it can

Could a yeast infection cause cramps in your lower stomach and legs?

Hello - No a yeast infection will not cause this but a period or a approaching period can and so will a pulled or strained muscle.

Can you smoke weed after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

you are advised not to smoke anything, drink with a straw or use instruments that involve blowing at this creates pressure in the mouth which can dislodge the blood clot that has formed after surgery and cause dry socket.

What could cause burning in lower right abdomen?

kidney stone, pulled adhesions, infection

Can having a tooth pulled cause a drug test to show amphetamine?


Can Impacted lower wisdom teeth cause tender and aching neck glands?

Yes, if there is imflammation or infection.

Do you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

It's not necessary for you to get your wisdom teeth removed if they are correctly positioned in your mouth and do not cause any pain or dental problems. Visit

Does sex while having a yeast infection cause an odor?

Yes, it probably will cause an odor.

Can an infection from your wisdom teeth cause an infection in your brain or cause death?

An infected tooth can cause death. But it isn't really from infecting your brain. It will go into your airways and swell them up then you can't breath. A tooth infection can become very serious. The infection can go into your bloodstream. A person I knew was very sick; they did all these tests. His wife insisted it was his teeth, and it was!!!!!!!!!