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First of all, why are insects on your retainer?

But if they were flys of anything that flies I probably give it a really good wash. Same for all bugs really, if you've already put your retainer back in wash it anyway. So no, it shouldn't make you ill.

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Q: Can insects on your retainer make you sick?
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What do you need to know about getting a retainer?

* It does not hurt to get a retainer * Before you get it, they have to make impressions of your mouth which is not painful at all * You need to brush your retainer at night * The retainer covers your top teeth put has a wire in front of your incisors(top teeth) * You get to choose the design/color of your retainer

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Not the house itself, but things in the house could. If the house if filthy, insects and rodents will be attracted and can carry disease. If the house has mold, that could make you sick. Some carpeting and other fabrics used in decorating are treated with fire retardant. The odor of this retardant has make some people sick.

Where do stinging insects go when they're sick?

They go to the waspital.

How long does it take to make a retainer?

a few days

How do you make your retainer smell good?

I usually brush it with my toothpaste and then rinse it for 5 min. in mouthwash about 3 times a week. Good luck!

Is it safe to leave a labret retainer in?

Sure just make sure the retainer doesn't come free so you choke on it in the middle of the night.

Does the swallowtail butterfly kill bad insects?

Butterflies don't kill anything. If they are eaten, they don't taste good and can make them sick, but it isn't likely to kill anything.

Can you hide a monroe piercing?

all you need is a clear or flesh colored retainer, if you put make up over the retainer, that should be able to hide it

Do vets treat injured or sick insects?

Yes. The get sick of the same things humans do. They could even get cancer.