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A lot of individuals consuming insulin complain about difficulties with sleeping patterns. While there are no specific reasons and causes the insulin may cause, drowsiness and feeling lethargic are the most common ones.

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Q: Can insulin cause sleep problems
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It doesn't. I have sleep apnea, and no problems with any other bedtime activities.

How does diabetes affect the organ system?

well basically Diabetes effect our pancreas which either doesn't make enough insulin or no insulin. Insulin is needed for our cells to utilize glucose for energy. It is required for the glucose to enter into the cell. No insulin means the glucose stays in your bloodstream, which can cause many problems including death if not treated.

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Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep that you should get compared the amount of sleep that you actually get. Over time, the lack of sleep can cause serious health problems.

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Can Ginkgo biloba cause sleep problems?

From my own recent experience and research It may cause shallow sleep as it did to me. It lasted several days after I stopped taking it too.

Can sleep apnea cause infertility?

In some uncommon cases, yes. Sleep apnea can lead to hormone inbalances and insulin-resistance. Insulin-resistance can cause difficulties in conception and reproduction. It is uncommon but very possible. Hormone inbalances will also make reproduction very difficult, but it will not cause permanent infertility because hormone levels can be corrected. Lack of a decent sleep cycle can also cause mental stress on your body. Any form of stress lessens your conception chances, but do not cause infertility. The best advice you can get from here is to visit a doctor or health professional.

Why do you have to sleep?

you have to sleep for the mind to rest. If you don't your mind gets over whelmed and it will start shutting down. lack of sleep could cause health problems.

We can sleep with eye lencis?

No, a person should never sleep with contact lenses in their eyes. It can cause infections and other serious problems.

How does the affect the organ system?

well basically Diabetes effect our pancreas which either doesn't make enough insulin or no insulin. Insulin is needed for our cells to utilize glucose for energy. It is required for the glucose to enter into the cell. No insulin means the glucose stays in your bloodstream, which can cause many problems including death if not treated.

How does diabetes affect the organism?

well basically Diabetes effect our pancreas which either doesn't make enough insulin or no insulin. Insulin is needed for our cells to utilize glucose for energy. It is required for the glucose to enter into the cell. No insulin means the glucose stays in your bloodstream, which can cause many problems including death if not treated.