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Define "intimidation."

It all depends on the circumstances and what you consider to be 'intimidation' and how the law in your state would address the circumstance.

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Q: Can intimidation be considered assault
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Yes, it is illegal to threaten to kill someone in Illinois. Threatening to kill someone is considered a criminal offense and can result in serious legal consequences, including charges of harassment, assault, or intimidation.

Is touching a wrist considered assault?

yes it could be considered as assault, in certain conditions, if the victim is not well or under certain restrictions.

Can you go to jail for biting someone?

Yes, that would be a form of assault.

Can my wife be arrested for verbal abuse?

What is your definition of "yelling at?" If it involves "curse and abuse," verbal assault," "disorderly conduct," "public affray," or "physical intimidation" (even without physical touching), you could be arrested.

What are the different types of prision?

Every type of violence, assault - intimidation - forced sex - murder - disfigurement. . . you name it - and they have nothing to do but sit around all day and dream it up.

Is throwing an object by a minor at another minor and hitting them considered assault?

No. Throwing an object an hitting another person is battery. Throwing it and missing them would be considered assault.

What is more serious second or third degree physical assault?

The second degree assault is considered more severe.

When you assault someone you must hit him or her?

Not necessarily, it may depend on WHAT type of assault you are referring to. You can commit an "assault" by utilizing or displaying a weapon that puts the victim in fear of their life or great bodily injury - and it is not necessary for you to "touch" them with it, simply placing them "in fear" suffices. However - in so-called "simple assault" (no weapon-just bodily contact; hands or fists, etc) an actual physical touching must occur. Although used quite often in the common vernacular, there really is no such thing as a "verbal assault" or "assault by intimidation."

Would you get arrested for telling some that if they dont stop messing with your girl that you'll cut there head off?

Depends on the laws of the place you are in, but in many parts of the world, saying something like that is considered a threat and in many places, threatening someone is illegal as it may be classed as assault, intimidation, abuse or harassment depending on where you are.

Sentence for intimidation?

The word intimidation is a noun. The mafia uses intimidation and violence to get people to comply with their demands.

When someone has ahold of your hair in an altercation is it considered assault?
