

Can ionic compounds be insoluble

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Yes. Take AgCl for example, which is a classic precipitate.

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Q: Can ionic compounds be insoluble
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Why ionic compounds are soluble in water but not in keroscene oil?

Ionic compounds are soluble in water because water is also ionic compound and insoluble in kerosene oil because there is covalent bonds

Will mixing any cation with any anion lead to an insoluble compound?

If that were true, there would be no soluble ionic compounds. Since there are soluble ionic compounds, the answer must be no.

What cations always form soluble compounds?

Cations don't always form soluble compounds. In general, ionic compounds are soluble in very polar solvents such as water and insoluble in nonpolar solvents because the charged ions can be solvated only by polar solvents. Some ionic compounds are insoluble even in water, however.

Why ionic compounds are not soluble in non aqueous solution like petrol?

Like dissolves like. Ionic compounds are polar and are generally insoluble in non-polar solvents like petrol.

How is the solubility in ionic compounds?

Solublity of the ionic compounds vastly vary from one to another. For example, sodium chloride dissolves very well in water, but barium chloride is almost insoluble.

An insoluble solid that forms when two ionic compounds in solution are combined as a what?

Said insoluble solid would be called a precipitate.

Why ionic compound are called good electrolytes?

Even insoluble ionic compounds such as CaCO 3 are electrolytes because they can conduct a current in the molten (melted) state.

Why are ionic compounds insoluble in organic compounds?

It isn't strictly true, but generally ionic compounds are not highly soluble in organic solvents because ionic compounds need a highly polar solvent to dissolve well (such as water) and in general organic compounds are not as polar as water. Remember, like dissolves like. However, many ionic compounds are very soluble in a variety of organic solvents, just not as much as in water.

Is ionic compound soluble in water because of dipole interaction?

Yes, the dipole forces in water molecules help ionic compounds to dissolve, but there are exceptions such is barium sulfate which are almost insoluble in water.

Which element occur in compounds that are insoluble in water?

Many organic compounds are insoluble in water. They have carbon and hydrogen as elements.

What tells which compounds are soluble insoluble or slightly insoluble?

solubility table

Give the properties of ionic compounds?

There is one very important property of ionic compounds. Ionic compounds are compounds that will conduct electricity when dissolved in water.