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Yes, they can be repossessed. This is a common trick many debtors try to pull. Switch the cars and the repo agent will never catch on is the thinking. Wrong. Finding cars is what these guys do. And, working for many of them are people called skip tracers who are very good at finding things. So you can try this, but it will only work for a short time. The car will be taken anyway, only you might lose a friend in the process.

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Q: Can items be repossessed if no longer in debtor's possession?
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Is there a fee to retrieve your possession from the repossessed car?

The repo agency will likely charge a "storage fee" for those items when you go to get them back.

Can i charge for getting your own things from a repossessed car?

You can only repossess the car, you do not also gain possession of anything else that happened to be stored in the car, and the owner of those items is legally entitled to reclaim them without charge.

Are trade debtors tangible assets?

Trade debtors are persons or organizations who allows others to buy items or goods with credit and to receive payment for such goods at a later date, and tangible assets include both fixed assets and current assets. The items or goods are the assets, not the trade debtors.

Can you be charged a storage fee for items within a repossessed vehicle?

Yes, you can, and you usually will.

If your car was repossessed no letter was sent and a demand for the full amount was made afterwards and all of the expensive items were stolen from the car while in their possession can you sue for theft?

None may be needed in your state. Consult an attorney about your case. If they take it, you are on the rooad to success. Good Luck

What is included in current assets?

following items includes:1 - cash2 - bank3 - inventory4 - debtors etc

What is unlawful possession?

Unlawful possession is when you have a illegal items ex.(drugs,guns) which are outlawed in your state because unlwaful means against the law.

In what circumstances would a non trade debtors account be used?

the only answer i have for this question is:- If you sell items to Debtors, but then rent out part of your premises to another party, that Rental income would go into a non trade debtors account. Another big one for this would be for sale of fixed assets - i.e. plant & equipment.

What does it mean to have possesion?

Possession typically refers to owning or having control over something, such as an object or property. It can also refer to the state of being under the control or influence of a powerful force or emotion.

What rights does a person have when personal items go missing from a repossessed vehicle?

First, you have the burden of proof it was in the vehicle. This is nearly impossible unless you have photos of it in there as they took it. Judges are not sympathetic to those repossessed as there are so many who claim valuables lost while in impound or when repossessed. You will likely not be paid anything. Sorry, but the way the cookie crumbles.

What are some of the services that Repo Depot offers?

The services of Repo Depot is to sell repossessed items. A person may bid on various items like cars, trucks, equipment, real estate, boats and aircraft.

What does prohibited possession of a weapon and or explosive mean?

Things or actions that are "prohibited" mean that the person who has them in their possession is not allowed to have or own them. In the case of a firearm and/or explosive, federal law prohibits felons from possessing these items.