

Can jelly fish live with bettas?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: Can jelly fish live with bettas?
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Can bettas live in saltwater?

NO! They are freshwater fish.

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What country do betta fish live in?

I has fore bettas so bettas live in the us cause I do Answer: Well in addition to that answer, Betta's are native to Japan which is where the name "Japanese Fighting Fish" came from.

Can beta live in saltwater aquariums?

No, Bettas are strictly freshwater fish.

What fish are okay in a fish bowl?

Bettas are. Goldfish really should have an aquarium if you want them to live.

Can betta fish live in a big tank with other fish?

I've always been told that bettas should live seperately which seem rediculous because they don't live like that in nature. Yes, bettas can live with other fish. Male bettas can get along with plecos, some tetras, mollies, guppies (not the fancy sort), etc. They should not be put with fish that have long fins, nor should they be kept with fish nippers (like barbs). Males can not live with other bettas though. Female bettas can live with other female bettas (as long as there are more than two females since they have a pecking order). Female bettas can live with the type of fish I described for the male, as well. Just be careful with tank mates, and have a back up plan if the fish do not get along. Make sure each fish has plenty of space and love, and you should be fine. -Raz

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Its debatable

What kind of fish live with a jellyfish?

other jelly fish

Can you put your bala shark with your betta?

Possibly. It depends. A bala shark is a calm community fish, while a betta is a fighter. Most people say that bettas will fight any fish, as some do fight other fish, but rarely do they do that.Bettas can basically live with any fish but themselves. Most bettas are calm, but some can be aggressive and should live in their own tank/bowl. Bala sharks will do no harm to the fish whatsoever. So, the answer depends on your bettas personality

Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish

Do girl Betta fish need boy Betta fish to live?

No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.

Do jellyfish live in tropical seas or salt water seas?

Jelly fish live in both because they are both have salt and Jelly Fish don't live in regular drinking water. Hope this helps. Anonymous person101